Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 332

Edmund Vaughan

son of the Minister of Ashted in Surrey, and nephew to Dr. Rich. Vaughan sometimes B. of London, was born in that County, admitted Chorister of Corp. Ch. Coll. an. 1621. aged 12 years, afterwards he was successively Clerk, Scholar and Fellow of that House, Bach. of Div. and at length Rector of Pichford alias Pisford in Northamptonshire. He hath written,

The life of Dr. Thom. Jackson sometimes President of Corp. Ch. Coll. in Oxford—’Twas printed and set before the said Dr. Jacksons Commentary on the Creed, an. 1653, and afterwards before the collection of his works, an. 1672. fol. This Mr. Vaughan died on the Purification of the Virgin Mary in sixteen hundred sixty and nine, and was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Pichford, 1669/70. after he had suffer’d much, as a true son of the Church of England, and as a loyal man to his Prince and his cause, in the time of the grand rebellion began and carried on by a predominant party in both Houses of Parliament.