Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 391
John Vaughan
a most noted and learned Lawyer of his time, was born at Trowscoed in the County of Cardigan, educated in Grammar learning in the Kings School within the City of Worcester; whence, after he had remained there 5 years, he was sent to Ch. Ch. in this Univ. in the 15th. year of his age, and thence at 18, he went to the Inner Temple, where for some time he chose rather to follow his Academical Studies of Poetry and Mathematicks, than the municipal Laws of England. At length falling into the acquaintance of the learned Selden and others, was instructed by them in the value of civil learning: so that soon after he applied himself closely to the course of that Study, particularly of the said laws, which he after made his profession; but when he began to become noted and admired in the Parliament that began 3 Nov. 1640. (of which he was a Burgess for the Town of Cardigan) the Civil War broke forth and gave a stop to his Proceedings. Whereupon leaving London, he retired to his own Country, and mostly lived there till the restauration of K. Ch. 2. Afterwards being elected Knight for the County of Cardigan, to serve in that Parliament which began at Westm. 8 May 1661, his Majesty was about that time pleased to take notice of his great worth and experience. Afterwards he confer’d the honour of Knighthood upon him, and in few days after, viz. May 22. an. 1668, he was solemnly sworn Serjeant at Law in the Court of Chancery in Westm. Hall, and the next day was sworn L. Ch. Justice of the Common Pleas. He hath written and collected,
Reports and Arguments, being all of them special Cases and many; wherein he pronounced the resolution of the whole Court of Common Pleas, at the time he was L. Ch. Justice there. Lond. 1677. fol. Published by his son Edw. Vaughan Esq and other things, as ’tis said, fit to be printed.1674. He died in sixteen hundred seventy and four, and was buried in the Temple Church near the grave of Jo. Selden. Over his grave was a large marble stone soon after put, and over that was erected a marble Table in the south wall, near the round walk, with this Inscription thereon. Hic situs est Johannes Vaughanus Eq. Aur. Capital. Justiciar. de Com. Banco, filius Edwardi Vaughan de Trowscoed in agro Dimetarum Ar. & Leticiae uxoris ejus, filiae Johannis Stedman de Strata florida in eodem Com. Arm. unus è quatuor perdocti Seldeni Executoribus, ei stabili amicitia studiorumꝫ communione à tyrocinio intimus & praecarus. Natus erat xiiii. die Sept. an. Dom. 1608. & denatus x. die Decemb. an. Dom. 1674. qui juxta hoc marmor depositus adventum Christi propitium expectat. Multum deploratus.