Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 483
Nicholas Vignier
, received his first being in this World at Bloys in France, educated mostly in the University of Saumour, retired to Oxon to improve his studies by the hearing and doctrine of Dr. John Prideaux, an. 1623. was incorporated master of Arts in Octob. the same year, as he had stood at Saumour, being about that time entred a Sojournour of Exeter coll. (of which house Prideaux was then Rector) and numbred among the Academians. Soon after he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences, as a member of the said college, being at that time reputed (b)(b) Vide in Charisteriis Deg. Wheari, Edit. Ox. 1628. p. 119. to be a person of great erudition, singular piety, and of a most polite ingenie. After he had tarried there for some few years, he returned to the place of his nativity, where he became a zealous Minister of, and preacher to, the Protestant Church. Before he came to Oxon, he published,
Theses Theologicae de satisfactione dei & domini nostri Jes. Ch. &c. Lugd. Bat. 1622. qu. Highly commended by And. Rivet, and by him annexed to his own disputations. After he had left Oxon. he published several Sermons in the French tongue, as. (1) L’Art de bien mourir, on Luke 2. 25. &c. Rochel 1625. oct. (2) La mere Ecclesiastique, on Gal. 4. 19. (3) De la priere pou les Rois & Magistrats, on 1 Tim. 2. 1, 2. (4) Le Trisagion, on Esay 6. 1, 2, 3. (5) De la chente des Auges, &c. on the 6. ver. of S. Jude. (6) Two Sermons at Bloys, on Rev. 2. 12. (7) Serm. of the call, confirmation and authority of the Ministers of the Gospel, on Joh. 20. ver. 21. 22. (8) Panegyrique de la paix, on Psal. 122. All which were printed at Rochel 1625. in oct. (9) Practique de repentance, twenty Sermons on Psal. 51.Clar. 1631. Bloys 1631. oct. Besides several others which I have not yet seen. This Nich. Vignier, who was Minister of the Protestant Church at Bloys before mentioned, was Son of Nich. Vignier of Bar on the river Sene, a learned Frenchman, Physitian and Historiographer to the K. of France, while our Qu. Elizab. reigned and after; several of whose works are in our publick Library at Oxon. Among which are. (1) Theatre de l’ Antichrist, &c. printed 1610. fol. (2) Dissertatio de Venetorum excommunicatione contra Caes. Baronium. Franc. ad. m. 1607. qu. Which two books are said by a certain (*)(*) Edw. Leigh in his Treatise of religion and learning, &c. Lond. 1656. fol. lib. 6. cap. 5. author, but false, to have been written by N. Vignier the Son.