Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 216
Robert Vilvain
a most noted Physician of his time, in the West parts of England, Son of Peter Vilvaine sometimes Steward of the City of Exeter by Anne his Wife, was born in the Parish of Allhallows in Goldsmith-street within the said City, and educated there in Grammar learning. In Lent term 1593 he became a Sojournour of Exeter Coll. aged 18 years, where going through all courses of Scholastical exercise with incredible industry was elected Fellow of that House in 1599 and the year after proceeded in Arts: At which time his genie leading him to the study of medicine, he entred on the Physick line, practised that faculty, and at length (1611) took both the degrees therein, and resigned his Fellowship. Afterwards he retired to the City of Exeter, practised there, and was much resorted to for his great knowledge and experience in Physick. In his younger years he was esteemed a very good Poet, Orator, and Disputant, and in his elder, as eminent for Divinity as his proper faculty, and might have honoured the World at that time with the issue of his brain, but neglecting so to do for the sake of lucre and practice, gave us nothing but scraps, whimseys and dotages of old age, which are these.
Theoremata Theologica: Theological treatises in eight Theses of Divinity, viz. (1) Production of Mans Soul. (2) Divine Predestination. (3) The true Church regiment. (4) Predictions of Messiah. (5) Christs two Genealogies. (6) The revelation revealed. (7) Christs Millenar reign. (8) The Worlds dissolution. Lond. 1654. qu. To which are added,
Supplements subjoyned, as (1) A supply concerning Holy-days and Christs birth-days feast. (2) An addition of Mans Soul. (3) An Ecclesiastical Polity. (4) Of Saints eternal raigne. (5) Of Christs eternal raign. (6) Several sorts of Essayes; one of which is an Essay to Mr. Tho. Hobbes concerning his Leviathan.—To these the Author added,
A Postscript of all forms—He also wrot
A compend of Chronography: containing four thousand thirty years compleat from Adams creation to Christs birth &c. Lond. 1654. in 5. sh. in qu.
Enchiridium Epigrammatum Latino-Anglicum. Or an Epitome of Essayes, Englished out of Latine, without elucidat explications; containing six classes or centuries of (1) Theologicals. (2) Historicals, &c. Lond. 1654 in a thick oct.
A Fardel of 76 Fragments. Or additional Essayes, which is the seventh classe—Printed with the Enchiridium. He was buried in the choire, on the north side of the high Altar of the Cath. Church in Exeter, in sixteen hundred sixty and two,166 [•] /3. and soon after had this Epitaph put thereon, the copy of which was sent to me by Rich. Izacke Esq. Chamberlaine and Antiquary of that City. Dormitorium Roberti Vilvaine Medicinae Doctoris, qui obiit Vicesimo primo die Februarii an salut. 1662 aetatis suae 87. He was a liberal benefactor to two Hospitals for poor Children in that City, and in the year 1633 gave 32 l. per an. for four poor Scholars (each to have 8 l. per an.) to come from that free School in the said City, founded by Hugh Crossing Esq. (sometimes twice Mayor thereof) to Exeter Coll, or any place else in Oxon, either Coll. or Hall.