Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 578

Robert Wakeman

, a Worcestershire man born, and a Benedictine Monk, was educated for a time among those of his Order in Gloucester coll. and afterwards became the last Abbat of Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, and the Kings Chaplain. In the year 1541. Sept. 20. (he being then, as ’tis ()() In lib. H. 5. in coll. Arm. f [] l. 17. said, Bach. of Div.) was consecrated the first Bishop of Gloucester, where sitting about 8 years, gave way to fate about the beginning of Decemb. in fifteen hundred forty and nine.1549: In his life-time he erected a Tomb for the place of his burial in the Abbey Church of Tewkesbury, in the north side of a little chappel there, but buried at Worthington saith a certain ()() Godwin ut supra int. Episc. Gloc. author, meaning as I suppose, Wormington in Glocestershire; yet I am more apt to believe at Forthampton in the said county, where he had a house and private chappel there. Qu.