Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 461

Robert Wakeman

, Son of Tho. Wakeman of Fliford-Flavel in Worcestershire, Minister of Gods word, was born in that County, became a student of Ball. col. in the beginning of 1590, aged 14. made Chaplain-Fellow thereof, 17. Jul. 1596. being then Bach. of Arts. About that time entring into Orders, was a frequent preacher for some years in these parts. At length being made Rector of Beer-Ferres, and afterwards of Charlton, in Devon. took the degrees in Divinity. He hath published,

Several Sermons, as (1) The Christian practice, at S. Maries in Oxon. on Act. Sunday 8. Jul. 1604. on Acts 2. 46. Lond. 1605. in oct. (2) Solomons exaltation, before the King, on 2 Cor. 2. 8. Ox. 1605. oct. (3) The Judges charge, on 2 Cor. 19. 6. — printed 1610. oct. (4) Jonahs Sermon and Ninevehs repentance, at Pauls Cross, on Jonah 3. ver. 4. 5. Ox. 1606. oct. (5) The true Professor opposed against the formal Hypocrites of these times, on Luke 10. 28. Lond. 1620. oct. and others which I have not seen, among which is a Serm. on Eccles. 11. 1.—printed 1607. he gave up the ghost in Septemb. 1629 in sixteen hundred twenty and nine, and was buried on the South side of the Chancel of the Church at Beer-Ferres, on the nineteenth day of the same month, leaving then behind him several Children, who were all in the beginning of the civil war (as the Tradition goes there) perswaded from their Religion to that of Rome, by one Capt. Rich. (*)(*) Note that one Capt. Rhead a Scot. and a Secular Jesuit perverted a minister of the Church of England, and his family, and married his Daughter.—So in The plot discovered by Andr. ab Habernfield and Sir Will. Boswell to Archb. Land. about the beginning of the Civ. War. Read (as ’twas supposed) who quarter’d in the house where they lived, and married one of the Doctors Daughters. Afterwards they retired into Worcestershire, where they, or at least their issue, now live.