Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 241
Henry Walpoole
elder Brother to Mich. and Rich. Walpoole Jesuits, was born in the County of Norfolk, educated in both the Universities, but in what College or Hall in Oxon, it doth not appear, because not matriculated; so that his stay here being, I persume, but short, nothing occurs memorable of him, only that he was inclined to Puritanism. which made Pasquil in his Apology (i)(i) The first part of Pa [•] quill [•] Apology, written against Jo. Penry’s Trevise of [〈◊〉] .—Printed at Lond. in qu. An 1590. [〈◊〉] 5. to challenge Oxford men to enquire and tell him, whether the said Walpoole was not a Puritan when he forsook them. Soon after his retirement from the University, he became so zealous a Roman Catholick, that endeavouring to perswade others to his Opinion, he was forced to leave his station: whereupon going to Rome, he was entred into the Society of Jesus, in 1584. aged 25 years; where continuing for some time, he went afterwards into Spain, and when he had spent certain years there, he journeyed into Holland, where he suffer’d much upon account of Religion. In 1593. he was sent into England, was seized on at his first entry therein, and carried to York, where he was imprisoned for denying the Queen’s Supremacy over the Church of England. The next year he was sent to London, and committed Prisoner to the Tower, where he suffered much misery. After an years durance there, (in which time several Ministers were with, to persuade, him to recant, but in vain,) he was sent back to York. where he suffered death, as I shall tell you anon. He hath written in English Verse,
The Martyrdom of Edm. Campian the Jesuit.—and other things that are not printed, having been secured, by certain Protestants, when the author was imprisoned at York; at which place, he was hanged, drawn, and quartered for Treason, on the 17. Apr. in fifteen hundred ninety and five. 1595 See more of him in a book intit. Bibl. Script. Soc. Jesu, written originally by Pet. Ribadeneira.—Lugd. 1609. in oct. continued by Philip Alcgambc.—Antw. 1643. fol. and at length by Nath. Sotvellus, commonly called Southwell, of the Family of the Southwells in Norfolk.—Rom. 1676. fol. See also in Historia Provinciae Anglicanae Soc. Jesu. lib. 5. nu. 33, 34. written by Henry More an English-man, a descendant from Sir Tho. More, sometimes L. Chanc. of England. Which Hen. tells us, that the said Hen. Walpoole was educated in Cambridge, without any notice taken of Oxon. The learned Camden in his Annals of Queen Elizabeth, doth make mention of one of the Walpooles, an 1598. but which, I cannot yet tell.