Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 157
James Walsh
an Irish Man born, was educated in this University, but what Degrees he took there, I find not. In the Year 1572 and belike before, he had a Chamber, and took his commons in Hart hall, being then a Student in Divinity with Mr. Leonard Fitz-Simons his Countryman. Both whom are entituled Magistri that year in the (i)(i) Reg. Matric. P. pag. 745. Matricula of the University, under Aula cervina. The said Jam. Walsh hath written,
Epigrammata diversa. With other things of the like nature, and translated into English The Topography of Ireland, written in Lat. by Silv. Giraldus. Which translation with Scholia’s was made also much about the same time by Jo [•] . Hooker alias Vowell of the City of Exeter, Clar. 1580. as you may see elsewhere. In the time of this Jam. Walsh, studied in Hart hall also, divers of his Country men of Ireland, some of whom having been afterwards Men of note, or else writers, you shall have their names as they follow. (1) David Clere, Bach. of Arts 1565. (2) Nich. Clere of the County of Kilkenny, matriculated 1567. aged 19 (3) David Sutton a Gentlemans Son of Kildare, 1571 aged 16. (4) Pet. Nangle a Gent. Son of Dublin, 1571. aged 15 (5) Rich. Walsh a Merchants Son of Waterford, aged 15. an. 1572. (6) Rob. Boteler a Merch. Son of the said City aged 23. an. 1572. (7) George Sherlock the Son of a Merchant also of the same City, at. 17. an. 1572. (8) Rich. Masterson a Gent. Son of Wexford. aet. 15. an. 1573. (9) Nich. Gaydon an Esq. Son of Dublin, aet. 19. an. 1574. (10) Tho. Finglas a Gent. Son of Finglas near to Dublin, aet. 18. an. 1571. (11) Will. Nugent a Gent Son of Meath, or of the County of Meath, aet. 21. an. 1571. With several others of a later date, as Alex. Barrington a Gentlemans Son of Ireland, aet. 18. an. 1583. &c.