Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 602

Patrick Walsh

, was born, as it seems, in or near Waterford in Ireland, and after he had been partly educated in Grammaticals in that country, was sent to Oxon, but to what coll. or hall therein, unless to that of Brasnose, I know not. In the latter end of the year 1534. he proceeded Master of Arts; and about that time applying his mind to the Theological faculty, supplicated at length the venerable Congregation of Regents that he might be admitted to the reading of the Sentences, in 1545. but whether he was admitted, it appears not in the publick Register, which was much neglected by the then Scribe. About that time he was Dean of Waterford, and in so great repute for his learning and religion, that he was made Bishop of that place and of Lismore: To which being consecrated in August 1551. had liberty then allowed him to keep his Deanery in Commendam for a time. He paid his last debt to nature (d)(d) Jac. War. ut supr. p. 199. in fifteen hundred seventy and eight, and was, 1578 as I suppose, buried in his Church at Waterford. He had a Son named Nich. Walsh who was then Bishop of Ossory, and about that time had a hand in translating the New Testament into the Irish tongue. This Nich. Walsh seems to have been educated in the University of Cambridge.