Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 601

William Walsh

, an eminent Theologist of his time, was born in, or near to, Waterford in Ireland, bred a Cistercian Monk, and for some time lived among those of that Order in Oxon, purposely for the improving himself in the supreme Faculty, of which he was afterwards Doctor, but whether of this University it appears not. In Nov. 1554. he succeeded ()() Jac. Waraeus in Com. de praeful. Hibem. p. 38. Edw. Staple in the Episcopal See of Meath in Ireland; whence being ejected in the beginning of the Reign of Q. Elizab. for denying her Supremacy, was cast into prison for a time. Afterwards getting loose, he went into Spain, settled at Complutum, spent most of his time in Religion,157677. and dying on the day before the nones of January in fifteen hundred seventy and six, was buried in the Church there belonging to the Cistercians. In Meath succeeded one Hugh Brady, to which being consecrated in 1563. sate there 20 years.