Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 281
Ralph Warcupp
, Son and Heir of Cuthb. Warcupp of English in Oxfordshire Esq; descended from those of Warcupp in Yorkshire, became a Student of Ch. Ch. in 1561. or thereabouts, took one degree in Arts, went to travel, and became in time the most accomplished Gentleman of the age he lived in, and Master of several Languages. Afterwards setling in his Native Country, he became Justice of Peace, and Parliamentarian Knight for Oxfordshire, in that Convention met at Westminster 43. Eliz. In the beginning of K. James’s Reign, he was by him designed Embassador either to France or Spain, and had gone, but was prevented by death. He hath written and translated several things, as ’tis said, but I have only seen his translation of Prayers on the Psalms. Lond. 1571. in sixteens, written originally by August. Marlorat. He died much lamented in the sixtieth year of his age, on the Ides of Aug. in sixteen hundred and five, and was buried in the Chancel 1605 of Nuffield near to English before-mentioned. Soon after came out a little (i)(i) Printed at Oxon. 1605. book of verses on his death, made by sixteen of the Members of New coll. (of which Will. Kingsmill his Kinsman was one, and the chief,) from whence may be collected that the said R. Warcupp was the most compleat Esquire of his time.