Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 686

Seth Ward

sometimes of Sidney Coll. in Cambridge and afterwards of that of Wadh. in Oxon, &c. was first made B. of Exeter and afterwards of Salisbury; who dying in the beginning of Jan. in sixteen hundred eighty and eight, was succeeded in that See by Gilb. Burnet D. D. sometimes Preacher of the Rolls in Chancery lane in London, 168 [] /9. consecrated thereunto, according to the form prescribed in the book of Common Prayer, in the Chappel belonging to the B. of London’s house at Fulham, by the B. of London, Winchester, Lincoln, Landaff, S. Asaph and Carlile, on Easterday, 31 of March 1689. The said Dr. Ward, did, about his Majesties restauration 1660 endeavour to make his Loyalty known by being imprison’d at Cambr, by his ejection, his writing against the Covenant and I know not what, but not a word of his cowardly wavering for lucre and honour sake, of his putting in and out, and occupying other mens places for several years, &c. See among the Writers, p. 627.