Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 1

Gervase Warmstrey

, the eldest Son of Will. Warmstrey, principal Registrary of the Diocess of Worcester, by Cecelie his Wife Daug. of Tho. Smith of Cu [] rdsley in Lanc. (an Inhabitant of S. Aldates Parish in Oxford) was born, and educated in Grammar Learning, within the City of Worcester, became a Student of Ch. Ch. in 1621, aged 17 years or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, and afterwards retiring to his native place, succeeded his Father in the before mention [] d Office. While he continued in the University, he was numbred among the eminent Poets, especially upon his writing and publication of

Virescit vulnere virtus. Englands wound and cure.—printed 1628. qu. Which being by many persons of known worth esteem’d an excellent piece, was by the Author dedicated to that great Patron of all ingenious men, especially of Poets, Endimion Porter Esquire, whose native place (Aston under Hill, commonly called Hanging Aston, near to Campden in Glocestershire) tho obscure, yet he was a great man and beloved by two Kings, James 1. for his admirable wit, and Ch. 1. (to whom, as to his Father, he was a servant) for his general learning, brave stile, sweet temper, great experience, travels and modern Languages. Our Author Warmstrey hath also written

Various Poems—And other things, as ’tis probable, which I have not yet seen. He concluded his last day on the 28 of May, 1641. in sixteen hundred forty and one, and was buried among the Graves of the Warmstreys, not far from the north door of, and within, the Cathedral Church of Worcester, leaving then behind him a widdow named Isabell. I shall make mention of his Brother Dr. Tho. Warmstrey, under the year 1665.