Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 142

John Warner

son of Will. Warner of Harsfield in Glocestershire, was born in that County, entred into Magd. Hall in 1628, aged 17 years, took the degrees in Arts, and at length became Vicar of Christ Church in Hampshire, where he was much resorted to by those of the Presbyterian persuasion. His works are these.

Temporal losses spiritually improved, &c. Lond. 1643, &c.

Diatriba fidei justificantis, qua justificantis: or, a discourse of the objects and office of faith as justifying, Clar. 1657. &c. Oxon 1657. oct. and other things as ’tis probable, which I have not yet seen.