Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 414

Simon Wastell

, a Westmoreland man born and descended from those of his name living at Wastellhead, in the same County, was entred a Student also in Queens coll. in 1580. or thereabouts, took one degree in Arts five yearsafter, at which time being accounted a great proficient in classical learning and Poetry, was made Master of the Free-School at Northampton, whence, by his sedulous endeavours, many were sent to the Universities. He hath written,

The true Christians daily delight; being a sum of every Chapter of the Old and New Testament set down alphabetically in English verse, that the Scriptures we read may more happily be remembred, &c. Lond. 1623. in tw. Published afterwards with amendments and some additions with this title. [〈◊〉] : or, the Bibles [] pitome, &c. Lond. 1629. &c. in tw. This person who was well known to John S [••] w, was living in Northampton in sixteen hundred twenty and three.Clar. 1623. (21. J. c. 1.) In his time was one Samuel Wastell a Master of Arts of New Inn, 1628. but him I find not to be a writer or publisher of books.