Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 606

John Watson

, was born at a Market Town in Worcestershire called Evesham, admitted Fellow of Allsouls coll. in 1540. took the degree of Master of Arts two years after, and about that time applied his mind to the study of Medicine; in which afterwards he had considerable practice. At length, about the time that Q. Elizabeth came to the Crown, if not happily before, he entred into holy Orders, was made Prebendary of Winchester, Archdeacon of Surrey, and Chancellour of S. Pauls. In the 15. year of Q. Elizab. Dom. 1572. he was made Dean of Winchester in the place of Dr. Franc. Newton deceased, and in 1575. he was admitted to the degree of Doctor of Physick. About which time, he being in great favour at Court, he was made Bishop of Winchester, tho somewhat against his will, in the year 1580. to which being consecrated on the 18. of Sept. in the same year, sate there to the time of his death. He died on the 23. of January in fifteen hundred eighty and three, aged 63 years, and on the 17. of Feb. his Funeral was solemnized in the Cath. Ch. of Winchester; 158384. at which time his corps was buried in the body thereof. By his last (e)(e) In Offic. praerog. Cant. in reg. Wa [] son Qu. 1. Will and Test. dat. 23. Oct. 25. Eliz. and proved 22. Jul. 1584. he gave 40 l. to Alls. college, 20 l. to the University of Oxon, 100 marks to certain poor Scholars studying there, to five poor Students of Oxon studying there also 4 l. a-piece for five years after his decease, and to the poor of Evesham before-mentioned he was a liberal benefactor, for whose sake also he gave a stock of 40 l. to set them on work.