Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 231

Thomas Watson

a Londoner born, did spend some time in this University, not in Logick and Philosophy, as he ought to have done; but in the smooth and pleasant studies of Poetry and Romance, whereby he obtained an honourable Name among the Students in those Faculties. Afterwards retiring to the Metropolis, studied the Common Law at riper years, and for a diversion wrote,

Ecloga in obitum D. Francisci Walsingham Eq. aur. Lond. 1590. in two sheets in qu.

Amintæ Gaudia. Lond. 1592. qu. Written in Lat. Hexamiter, and dedicated to the incomparable Mary Countess of Pembroke, who was a Patroness of his Studies. He hath written other things of that Nature or Strain, and something pertaining to Pastoral, which I have not yet seen,Clar. 1593 and was highly valued among ingenious Men, in the latter end of Q. Elizabeth. I shall make mention of another Tho. Watson (who in his younger years was a Poet also) in the Fasti following, among the Incorporations of the year 1554.