Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 65
Robert Weldon
a man of parts during his stay in the University, took the degrees in Arts as a Student of Ch. Ch. that of Master being compleated in 1615. Afterwards he became Rector of Stony-Stratford in Leicestershire, wrot and published,
The Doctrine of the Scriptures concerning the original of Dominion. Wherein Gods perpetual propriety in the sovereignty of the whole earth; and the Kings great charter for the administration thereof by authoritative Records in both the Testaments, &c. is jure divino.—Lond. 1648. qu. Clar. 1648. In which book the Author shews himself to be well read in various sorts of Learning, and by some passages therein a Loyalist, and a sufferer for the Kings cause.