Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 474
Jeremias Wells
a Londoner born, bred in Merchant Taylors School, became Scholar of S. Johns Coll. in 1665, junior Collector of the University when Bach. of Arts, and one of the first persons that spoke in verse in the first Encaenia at the dedication of Sheldons Theater, an. 1669. Afterwards, being Master of Arts and Fellow of his House, he was made Lecturer of St. Michaels Cornhill, and Curat to Dr. Edward Layfield of Allhallows Barkin, in London. He hath written,
Poems upon several occasions. Lond. 1667. oct.
Character of a London Scrivener—Printed with the Poems. He was buried in the Church of Allhallows Barkin before mention’d, 24 of August, in sixteen hundred seventy and nine,1679. having before taken to wife the daughter of Dr. Layfield before mention’d, widdow of Sir John Mennes, and alwaies accounted an ingenious man.