Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 437

Thomas Wentworth

, an Esquires Son, was born in Oxfordshire, of the family of the Wentworths living in Northamptonshire, entred a Commoner or Gent. Com. of Vniversity coll. in 1584. aged about 17. translated thence after 3 years standing to Lincolns Inn, where drudging at the Common Law was made a Barrester. In the month of Sept. 1607. he was elected by the Citizens of Oxon. their Recorder, upon the death of the former, and in 1611. he became Lent-Reader of the said Inn, being then a person of a considerable note among those of his profession. In several Parliaments during the raign of K. James and in the beginning of Ch. 1. he was constantly elected a Burgess to serve in them by the Citizens of Oxon. In one or more of which, shewing himself a troublesome and factious person, was more than once imprison’d. While he was Recorder of the said City, he behaved himself so turbulent, that at length he being notoriously known to be (a)(a) Reg. Congr. & Convoc. Un. Oxon. K. fol. 70. a & 72. b. a most malicious and implacable fomenter and author of divers troubles between the Vniversity and City, he was by the prime Magistrate of the said University, with the consent of the Convocation, discommoned, 1611. At the same time also, it was decreed that he should be (b)(b) Ibid. fol. 70. b. registred to all Posterity por intensissimo & inimicissimo viro Vniversitati Oxon. After he continued discommoned for two whole years or more, he was upon his earnest desire restored to his former estate. But being of a restless spirit, he returned to his former trade: Whereupon his friends perswading him to leave Oxon for a time, to prevent his utter ruin, he retired to a Market Town called Henly in Oxfordshire, and soon after, viz. 20. Jac. 1. Mr. Joh. Whistler was appointed by the Citizens to be his Deputy in the Recordship. This Mr. Tho. Wentworth hath written,

The office and duty of Executors; or, a treatise of Wills and Executors directed to Testators, in the choice of their Executors, and contrivance of their Wills, with directions for Executors, in the execution of their office, &c. Lond. 1612. oct. &c. Afterwards was added to it an Appendix, wherein are the nature of Testaments, Executors, Legataries general, and divers other material things relating to the same, by T. M. Esq; what other books he hath written I know not, any thing else of him, only that he ended his days, in or near Lincolns Inn, as it seems, in the Month of Sept. 1617 in sixteen hundred twenty seven, leaving behind him a Son named Thomas, and others, and a Nephew then called Sir Peter Wentworth. In his Recordership was elected Mr. John Whistler his Deputy before mentioned, on Monday before the feast of S. Matthew the Apostle, 3. Car. 1.