Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 632
Jonas Wheeler
, Dean of the Church of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church in Dublin, and Chaplain to K. James 1. was consecrated Bishop of Ossory in S. Patricks Church near Dublin on the eighth day of May 1613. and died in the ninety seventh year of his age at Dunmore, on the 19. of April in sixteen hundred and forty: 1640 Whereupon his body was buried in the Cath. Ch. of Kilkenny. He was born in Oxfordshire, as ’tis (†)(†) Iac. War. ut. up. in [〈…〉] pa [•] [•] ul. [〈…〉] said, particularly, as I suppose, within the City of Oxon, was educated in this University, but in what house, unless in that of Brasnose, where one or more of his name and kindred studied about his time, I know not, nor what degrees he took, because many have studied, in the said University, five, seven, ten years, or more, and yet never took any degree.