Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 368
Henry Whistler
an Oxfordshire man born, was elected Scholar of Trin. Coll. 1601, aged 16 years, and four years after was made Fellow thereof. So that taking the degree of M. of A. he entred into holy Orders, became Rector of Little Whitnam in Berks, Bach. of Div. 1615, and about that time Rector of Whitchurch in the south part of Oxfordshire, near to which place he was born. He hath written and published a rapsodical piece intit.
Aim at an Upshot for Infant baptism by the good will of Christ, as Priest, Prophet, and King, &c. Lond. 1653. qu. He died in sixteen hundred seventy and two, and was buried in the Chancel of his Church at Whitchurch before mention’d. Over his grave is this Inscription,1672. Here lieth the body of Henry Whistler Bachelaur of Divinity, who departed this life the 24 day of Aug. in the year of our Lord 1672, in the 86 year of his age, having been Rector of this Parish 56 years.