Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 413

Thomas White

, Son of Joh. White was born in the City of Bristow (in Temple Parish) but descended from the Whites of Bedfordshire, entred a Student in Madg. hall in the year 1566. or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, holy Orders, and became a noted and frequent preacher of Gods word. Afterwards retiring to London he was made Minister of St. Gregories Church near to St. Paul’s Cathedral, and at length Rector of St. Dunstans in [〈◊〉] where he was held in great esteem for his golly and practical way of preaching. In 1584. he was licensed to proceed in Divinity, and in Nov. in the year following he had a Canonry in the Cath. Ch. of S. Paul, and a Prebendship there called Wenlocks barn conferr’d upon him by John Bishop of London, upon the nat. death of Reb. Towers Bac. of Div. In Apr. 1592. he was made Treasurer of Salisbury in the place of Dr. Joh. Sprint deceased, in 91. Canon of Ch. Ch. in Oxon, and in 93. of S. Georges Church at Windsore. All that he hath published are only,

Sermons, as (1) Two Serm. at S. Paul’s in the time of the Plague: the first on Zeph. 3. 1, 2, 3. the other on Jer. 23. 5, 6. Lond. 1577. oct. (2) Fun. Serm. on Sir Hen, Sidney, on 1 Joh. 3. 2, 3. Lond. 1586. oct. (3) Serm. at Pauls Cross, on the Queens day, 1589. on Luke 3. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Lo [] a. 1589. oct. and others which I have not yet seen. This worthy Doctor who was esteemed by all that knew him an honest and generous minded man and a great encourager of learning, gave up the Ghost on St. David’s day (1 Mar.) in sixteen hundred twenty and three,1623-24. and in few days after was solemnly inter’d in the Chancel of his Church of S. Dunstan in the West, before mentioned. Soon after, his death being certified to the Heads of the University, they in honour to his memory caused an Oration to be publickly delivered by the mouth of Will. Price the first reader of the Moral Philos. Lecture, lately founded by the said Dr. White. To which speech, certain Academians adding verses on the benefactors death, were with the speech printed under the title of Schola moralis [〈◊〉] Oxon. [〈…〉] . Oxon. 1624. in 2. th. in qu. In 1613. he sounded an Alms house in Temple parish within the City of Brislow, endowing it with 92 l. per a [] . in 1621. he founded a moral philosophy lecture in the University of Oxon, and the same year he setled an exhibition for five Students in Magd. hall. See more in Hist. & Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 43. and 370. a. and b. As for his benefaction to Sion coll. in London and to other places, (expending most if not all his estate, which he got from the Church, on publick uses) let others tell you, while I proceed to the next writer, to be mention’d according to time.