Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 459

William White

who writes himself Guliel. Phalerius, was born of plebeian parents in a market town called Witney in Oxfordshire, in the month of June 1604, was entred a Student in Wadham Coll. in Act term 1620, took the degrees in Arts, holy orders and preached for a time near Oxon. At length the Mastership of the Free-School joyning to Madg. Coll. falling void, it was confer’d upon him some years before the Civil War began: where being setled, several persons by his care and industry proved afterwards eminent. But being ejected thence in the fatal year of 1648, he did, about that time, privately obtain of Dr. Duppa Bishop of Salisbury the Rectory of Pusey near Faringdon in Berks, situated within his Diocess, and kept it during the interval by the favour of friends and the smalness of its profits. After the Kings return Dr. Th. Pierce President of Magd. Coll. (who had sometimes been his Scholar) procured the Rectory of Appleton near Abendon in the same County, of the Society of that house, to be confer’d upon him: both which Livings he kept to his dying day and built houses on them, having been always accounted a noted Philologist, and a loyal and pious Divine. He hath published several small tracts, of which these only have come to my sight.

Ad Grammaticam ordinarium Supplementa, & paedagogica alia, &c. Lond. 1648 and 52. oct.

Via ad pacem ecclesiasticam. Lond. 1660. qu.

Paraphrasis cum annotatis ad difficiliora loca catechismi Anglicani. Printed 1674 in Lat. and Engl. He died at Pusey before mention’d on the first day of June (about the first hour of the morn) in sixteen hundred seventy and eight,1678. and was buried in the Chancel of the Church there, as I have been enformed by letters written from one of his quondam Scholars living in those parts.