Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 592

John Whyte

, sometimes Fellow of New coll. was made Bishop of Lincoln in the beginning of 1554. translated thence to Wynchester in 1557. and died in January in fifteen hundred fifty and nine; 1559 under which year you may see more of him among the writers. In the said See of Winchester succeeded Dr. Rob. Horne of Cambridge, reported by a certain (l)(l) Math. Parker at the end of Antiq. Eccre [] . B [] tan. published 15 [] 2- [] . in the life of Ma. Parker, p. 9. author to be a man of a great mind and profound ingenie, and no less sagacious in detecting the crafts of his adversaries, than prudent in preventing and avoiding them. He was also a frequent Preacher, and an excellent Disputant, and wrote in the mother tongue, an answer to Joh. F [] kenhams scruples concerning the Oath of Supremacy, as I have told you among the writers under the year 1585. He gave way to fate in 1579. leaving this character behind him, given by one (m)(m) Anon. in the Antient [〈◊〉] and monuments of the Monast. and Cath. Ch. of Durha [] . Lond. 1672. in oct. p. 122. belonging to the Church of Durham, who (speaking of his demolishing several antient monuments of that Church, while Dean thereof) tells us, that he could never abide any antient monuments, acts, or deeds, that gave any light of, or to godly religion.