Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 538

Robert Wickens

son of Joh. Wickens, of ((a))((a)) Lib. Matric. Univ. Oxon. P. P. fol. 26. a. Shitlanger in Northamptonshire, was born in that County, entred a Servitour of Ch. Ch. in Lent terme, an. 1632 aged 17 years, took the degrees in Arts, (that of Master being compleated in 1639) holy Orders, and about that time taught School near Campden in Glocestershire, and afterwards at Worcester. At length, he being made Rector of Todenham in Gloc. (where for some also he had taught Grammar) on the death, as I presume, of Dr. Tho. Iles, wrot and published,

Latinum & Lyceum Graeca cum Latinis, sive Grammaticae artis in utrâque Linguâ lucidissima 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 . Oxon. 1654. oct.

Grammatices Graecae Enchiridion. Printed with the former book.

A compleat and perfect Concordance of the English Bible, composed after a new and most compendious method. Oxon. 1655. in a thick oct. He died on the 29. of Nov. in sixteen hundred eighty and two,1682. and was buried on the first of Decemb. following in the Chancel of the Church of Todenham before mentioned.