Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 118
Thomas Widdowes
Son of Thom. Wid. Brother, I think, to Giles, mention’d under the year 1645. p. 44, was born at Mickleton in Glocestershire, entred a Student in Gloc. Hall in 1626 aged 14 years, where continuing about 8 Terms was made Demy of Magd. Coll. by the favour of Dr. Frewen President thereof. Afterwards taking the degrees in Arts, he was by the endeavours of the same Person made Master of the College School at Glocester in the place of Joh. Langley an. 1640. at which time Dr. Frewen was Dean of the Cath. Church there. But Widdowes being soon after outed for his Loyalty, he became Minister of Woodstock, and Master of the School there, founded by Rich. Cornwell Citizen and Skinner of Lond. 27. Eliz. dom. 1585. where continuing for some time was removed to the Free school at Northleech in Glocestershire, a place of more value. He hath written,
The just Devil o [•] Woodstock: or, a true narrative of the several apparitions, the frights and punishments, inflicted upon the Rumpish Commissioners sent thither to survey the Mannors and Houses belonging to his Majestie. Lond. 1649. qu. It is a diary, which was exactly kept by the Author for his own satisfaction, intending not to print it. But after his death the copy coming into the hands of another Person, ’twas printed in Dec. 1660, and had the year 1649 put in the bottom of the title, as if it had been then printed. The names of the Commissioners were Cockaine, Hart, Unton Croke, Careless, and Roe Captains; Rich. Croke the Lawyer, afterwards Recorder of Oxon. and Browne the surveyor. The Book is very impartially written, and therefore worth the reading by all, especially the many Atheists of this age. Our Author also hath written,
A short survey of Woodstock—Taken from antient Authors, and printed with the former. He hath also written, as I have been told certain matters pertaining to the faculty of Grammar, for the use of his Scholars, which I have not yet seen. He was buried in the Church of Northleech beforemention’d on the 26. of June in sixteen hundred fifty and five.1655. In the year 1649 was printed in one sheet in qu. a Poem intit. The Woodstock scuffle: or, most dreadful apparitions that were lately seen in the Mannor-house of Woodstock near Oxford, &c. the beginning of which is, It were a wonder if one writes, &c. but who the Author of it was, I cannot tell.