Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 486

Michael Wigmore

was born (*)(*) Reg M [] tric. [] . pag 592. of a gentile Family in Somersetshire, entred a Commoner in Magd. hall 1602. aged 14. elected when Bach. of Arts (as a native of the Dioc. of Gloucester) Fellow of Oriel coll. an. 1608. After he had proceeded in his Faculty, he took upon him the Sacred Function, and became a painful and zealous Preacher, and a publisher of,

Several Sermons, as, (1) The holy City discovered, besieged, and delivered, on Eccles. 9. 14, 15. Lond. 1619. qu. (2) The way of all flesh, on Prov. 4. 1. Lond. 1619. qu. (3) The good adventure, Clar. 1620. on Rev. 4. 2. 3. Lond. 1620. qu. &c. one Mich. Wigmore was author of a Serm. intit. The diss [••] tion of the brain, on Isa. 9. 15. Printed 1641. which person I take to be the same with the former. When our author Mich. Wigmore of Oriel died, or where he was beneficed, I cannot yet tell. Quaere.