Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 330
John Williams
, A Caermarthenshire man born, became a Student in the University 1569. was elected Fellow of Allsouls coll. in 1579. being then Master of Arts. Afterwards he was made Parson of Llanderico, Margaret Professor, Dean of Bangor (in the place of Rich. Parry promoted to the See of S. Asaph) Doctor of Div. and at length Principal of Jesus coll. He hath written,
De Christi justitia & in regno spirituali Ecclesiae pastorum officio, concio ad clerum Oxon. in cap. 10. Rev. vers. 1. Oxon. 1597. qu. He also published Rog. Bacon’s book De retardandis senectutis accidentibus, & sensibus confirmandis. Oxon. 1590. in oct. He died on the fourth of Sept. in sixteen hundred and thirteen, 1613 and was buried, as I suppose, in the Church of S. Michael in Oxon. In his Margaret Professorship succeeded Dr. Seb. Benefield, in his Deanery Edm. Griffith, and in his Principality Griffith Powell, of all whom, mention shall be made in their respective places.