Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 266

Thomas Williams

, a Welsh-man born, did spend several years among the Oxonians, but whether in Brasenose coll. where one of both his Names took the degree of Master of Arts in 1573. I cannot tell. Afterwards he entred on the Physick line, but took no degree in that Faculty, retired into his Country and practiced there. This person who was also a curious Critick in his mother-tongue, wrote,

Dictionarium Latino-Britannicum. A work of many years labour; which being left imperfect in some places, was reviewed and corrected by Dr. Jo. Davies, and by him published in 1632. who tells us that he said Williams was much encouraged in his studies by the Father of Sir RichWynne Knight and Baronet, to whom he did intend to dedicate, had he lived to have finished, it. He tells us also that the said Th. Williams was living and in great renown in his own Country in sixteen hundred,Clar. 1600. but when he died he adds not. I find another Tho. Williams who was elected Probat. Fellow of Merton coll. in 1562. studied Physick several years, took the degree of Bach. of that Faculty in 1575. and died in his coll. 1579. being then accounted a learned Physician. But this person was no author, and whether a Welsh-man, I cannot yet find. A third Tho. Williams was of Broadgates hall, and as the eldest Son of an Esq; took the degree of Bach. of Arts, in the beginning of July in 1592. besides several others of a later date, and another before, who wrote Rules of the Italian Grammar. Lond. 1567. &c.