Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 117
Edward Wood
Son of Tho. Wood alias à Wood or Awood Bachelaur of Arts and of the Civ. Law of this University, by Maria la Petite commonly called Pettie, his Wife, (descended from a gentile and antient Family in the County of Oxon) was born in the Parish of S. John Bapt. in an house opposite to the forefront of Mert. Coll. within the University of Oxon, educated in Grammar learning in the Free-school at Thame under his kinsman Will. Burt M. A, (afterwards Warden of the Coll. near Winton and D. of D.) elected Probationer Fellow of Mert. Coll. in 1648, and in 1655 was installed one of the Proctors of the University, being then noted for a good Disputant, Orator, and Preacher. His works are,
Several Sermons, as (1) Of the knowledge of God by the book of nature, in two Sermons on Rom. 1.19.20. Oxon. 1656. and 74. oct. (2) Of the knowledge of Jesus Christ by the book of Scripture, in two Serm. on 2. Tim. 3.16.17.—printed with the former two Sermons. (3) His last Sermon Preached at S. Maries in Oxon 20. March 1654. on Philip. 3.8. first part—printed also with the former Sermons. All which were then acceptable to the generality for the good practical divinity contained in them, but since not. He died in his Proctorship on the 22 of the Month of May in sixteen hundred fifty and five,1655. aged 28 years (he being then the eldest of my Brethren) and was buried two days after in Mert. Coll. Church, not far from the grave of his Father; at which time were present the whole body of Convocation and Juniors of the University.