Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 561
Richard Wylson
, a Northern man born, who, after he had spent some time in the Theological faculty, among those of his Order in Oxon, became Prior of the Manastery of Drax in Yorkshire, on the death of one Thomas Hancocke an. 1507. and about the year 1515. was made Suffragan Bishop to the Archb. of York, under the title of Nigrepont. In 1518. he built the Choire belonging to the Church of Bingley in Yorkshire, Clar. 1518. in which Town, as ’tis probable, he was born, but when he died, it appears not. One Rich. Wilson an English man, became, by provision from the Pope, Bishop of Meath in Ireland, 1523. and sate there about six years: whether the same with the former I cannot tell.