Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 73

Samuel Yerworth

, or Jeruvorthus as he writes himself in the title of the book following, was born in Dorsetshire, became a Student in Oriel Coll. in the year 1607 and in that of his age 16 or thereabouts, took one degree in Arts, and afterwards, being noted for his excellency in the knowledge of the Hebrew tongue, taught and read it privately divers years in Oxon to young Students, and for their benefit wrot,

Introductio ad linguam Ebraeam brevissima, praecipua duntaxat ejus documenta, eaque ex optimis Grammaticis collecta, complectens, &c. Oxon. 1650. oct. At the time when it was published he gave notice to the Reader, Clar. 1650. that if the said introduction should be kindly received, he would put forth a more full and compleat Grammar with Scholia added to each Chapter, as need should require, but whether the Grammar was acceptable among Scholars, and so consequently the Author stood to his promise, I know not.