Words / 1907 Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge / A
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- A'ali Pasha
- Aachen
- Aalborg
- Aar
- Aargau
- Aarhuus
- Aaron
- Abaca
- Abacus
- Abaddon
- Abarim
- Abatement
- Abauzit, Firmin
- Abbadie
- Abbadie
- Abbas
- Abbas Pasha
- Abbas the Great
- Abbas-Mirza
- Abbasides
- Ab`bati, Niccolo dell'
- Abbé
- Abbeville
- Abbot
- Abbot, George
- Abbot of Misrule
- Abbotsford
- Abbott, Edwin
- Abdal`lah
- Abdalrah`man
- Abdals
- Abd-el-Ka`dir
- Abde`ra
- Abdications
- Abdiel
- Abdul-Aziz
- Abdul-Aziz
- Abdul-Ha`mid II.
- Abd-ul-Med`jid
- Abdur-Rah`man
- À'Becket, Gilbert
- À'Becket, A. W.
- Abel
- Abel, Sir F. A.
- Abel, Henry
- Ab`elard, Peter
- Abelli
- Abencerra`ges
- Aben-Ez`ra
- Abera`von
- Abercrombie, Sir Ralph
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen, Earl of
- Aberdeenshire
- Abernethy
- Aberration of light
- Aberyst`with
- Ab`gar XIV.
- Abhorrers
- Abigail
- Abich, W. H.
- Abingdon
- Abiogenesis
- Abipones
- Able man
- Abner
- Abo
- Ab`omey`
- Abou`kir
- About, Edmond
- Abraham
- Abraham, the plains of
- Abraham-men
- Abran`tes
- Abraxas stones
- Abruz`zi
- Absalom
- Absolute, The
- Absyrtus
- Abt, Franz
- Abu
- Ab`ubekr
- Ab`u-klea
- A`bul-faraj
- Abul-fazel
- Abul-feda
- Abu-Tha`leb
- Aby`dos
- Abyssin`ia
- Acacia
- Academy
- Acadia
- Acanthus
- Acapul`co
- Acarna`nia
- Acca`dians
- Acca-Laurentia
- Acciaioli
- Accolade
- Accol`ti
- Accor`so
- Accra
- Accrington
- Accum, Friedrich
- Accumulator
- Acerra
- Acetic acid
- Acetone
- Acet`ylene
- Achæan League
- Achæ`ans
- Achai`a
- Achard
- Achard`, Louis Amédée
- Acha`tes
- Achelo`üs
- Achen
- Achenwall
- Ach`eron
- Ach`ery
- Ach`ill
- Achille`id
- Achil`les
- Achilles of Germany
- Achilles tendon
- Achmed Pasha
- Ach`met I.
- Achit`ophel
- Achromatism
- Acierage
- A`ci-Rea`lë
- A`cis
- Ack`ermann, R.
- Acland, Sir Henry
- Aclinic Line
- Acne
- Acœmetæ
- Aconca`gua
- Aconite
- Aconitine
- Acorn-shells
- Acoustics
- Acrasia
- Acre, St. Jean d'
- Acres, Bob
- Acroamatics
- Acrolein
- Acroliths
- Acrop`olis
- Acrote`ria
- Acta diurna
- Acta Sanctorum
- Actæon
- Actinic rays
- Actinism
- Actinomycosis
- Actium
- Acton
- Acton, Lord
- Acts of the Apostles
- Acun`ha, Tristram d'
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- Adair, Sir Robert
- Adal
- Adalbe`ron
- Adalbert
- Adalbert, St.
- Ada`lia
- Adam
- Adam, Alex.
- Adam, Lambert
- Adam, Robert
- Adam Bede
- Adam Kadmon
- Adam of Bromen
- Adamas`tor
- Adamawa
- Adamites
- Adamnan, St.
- Adams, Dr. F.
- Adams, John
- Adams, John Quincy
- Adams, John Couch
- Adams, Parson
- Adams, Samuel
- Adam's Bridge
- Adam's Peak
- Ada`na
- Adanson, Michel
- Ad`da
- Addington, Henry
- Addison, Joseph
- A`delaar
- Adelaide
- Adelaide
- Adelaide, Port
- Adelaide, Queen
- Adelaide of Orleans
- Adelberg
- Adelung, Johann Christoph
- A`den
- Ad`herbal
- Adi Granth
- Adiaph`orists
- Ad`ige
- Adipocere
- Adipose tissue
- Adirondack Mountains
- Adjutant
- Adler, Hermann
- Adler, Nathan Marcus
- Adlercreutz
- Adme`tus
- Admirable Doctor
- Admiral
- Admiralty, Board of
- Admiralty Island
- Admiralty Islands
- Adolf, Friedrich
- Adolph, St.
- Adolph of Nassau
- Adolphus, John
- Adona`i
- Adona`is
- Ado`nis
- Adoptionists
- Ador`no
- Adour
- Adowa`
- Adras`tus
- Adrets, Baron des
- A`dria
- A`drian
- Adrian, St.
- Adriano`ple
- Adria`tic, The
- Adullam
- Adullamites
- Adumbla
- Advocate, Lord
- Advocates, Faculty of
- Advocates' Library
- Advocatus diaboli
- Æacus
- Ædiles
- Æe`tis
- Æge`an Sea
- Ægeus
- Ægi`na
- Ægir
- Ægis
- Ægis`thus
- Æl`fric
- Ælia`nus, Claudius
- Æmi`lius Paulus
- Æne`as
- Æneas Silvius
- Æ`neid
- Ænesidemus
- Æolian action
- Æolian Islands
- Æo`lians
- Æolotropy
- Æ`olus
- Æon
- Æpyor`nis
- Æ`qui
- Aerated bread
- Aerated waters
- Æs`chines
- Æs`chylus
- Æscula`pius
- Aeson
- Æ`sop
- Æso`pus
- Æsthetics
- Ae`tius
- Æto`lia
- Affre
- Afghan`istan`
- Af`ghans, The
- Afra`nius
- Africa
- Africa`nus, Julius
- Afridis
- Afrikan`der
- Afrit`
- Aga`des
- Agag
- Agamem`non
- Agamogenesis
- Aganippe
- Ag`apæ
- Agar-agar
- Aga`sias
- Agass`iz
- Ag`athe, St.
- Aga`thias
- Agath`ocles
- Ag`athon
- Ag`athon, St.
- Ag`de
- A`gen
- Ages
- Agesan`der
- Agesila`us
- Aggas, Ralph
- Agglutinate languages
- Agincourt`
- A`gis
- Aglaia
- Ag`nadel
- Agna`no, Lake of
- Agnello, Col d'
- Agnes
- Agnes, St.
- Agnes de Méranie
- Agnes Sorel
- Agne`si, Maria Gætana
- Ag`ni
- Agnolo
- Agnosticism
- Agnus Dei
- Agonic line
- Agora
- Agos`ta
- Agoult, Countess of
- Agoust, Capt. de
- Agou`ti
- A`gra
- Ag`ram
- Agrarian laws
- Agric`ola
- Agricola, Johann
- Agricola, Rudolphus
- Agrigen`tum
- Agrippa, H. Cornelius
- Agrippa, Herod
- Agrip`pa, M. Vipsanius
- Agrippi`na
- Agrippina
- Agtelek
- Agua`do, A. M.
- Aguas Calientes
- Ague-cheek, Sir Andrew
- Aguesseau`, d'
- Aguilar, Grace
- A`gulhas, Cape
- A`hab
- Ahasue`rus
- Ahaz
- Ahlden, Castle of
- Ahmadabad
- Ahmed
- Ah`med Shah
- Ahmednug`ar
- Aholibah
- Aholibamah
- Ah`riman
- Aidan, St.
- Aignan
- Aiguillon, Duke d'
- Aikin, Dr. John
- Aikman, W.
- Ailly, Pierre d'
- Ailsa Craig
- Aimard, Gustave
- Aimé, St.
- Ain
- Ainmiller
- Ai`nos
- Ainsworth, R.
- Ainsworth, W. H.
- Ain-Tab
- Aird, Thomas
- Airdrie
- Airds Moss
- Aire
- Airy, Sir G. B.
- Aisne
- Aïsse, Mlle.
- Aiton, Wm.
- Aitzema, Leo
- Aix
- Aix, Isle of
- Aix-la-Chapelle`
- Aix-les-Bains`
- Ajac`cio
- Ajalon, Valley of
- A`jan Coast
- A`jax
- Ajmere`
- Ajodhya
- Ak`aba
- Akakia, Doctor
- Akakia, Martin
- Ak`bar
- Akenside, Mark
- Akers, B. P.
- Akerman`
- Akiba, Ben Joseph
- Akkas
- Akron
- Aksakof`
- Aksu
- Ak`yab
- Al Rakim
- Alaba`ma
- Alabama, The
- Alacoque, Marie
- Alad`din
- Aladdin
- Aladinists
- Alago`as
- Alain de L'Isle
- Alains
- Alais`
- Alaman`ni, Luigi
- Aland Isles
- Alans
- Alar`con y Mendo`za, Juan Ruiz de
- Al`aric I.
- Alaric II.
- Alaric Cotin
- Alas`co, John
- Alas`ka
- Alasnam
- Alas`tor
- A`lava
- Alava, Ricardo de
- Alba Longa
- Albacete
- Alban Lake
- Alban Mount
- Alban, St.
- Alba`ni
- Alba`ni
- Albani, Mme.
- Alba`nia
- Albano, Lake of
- Albany
- Albany
- Albany, Countess of
- Albany, the Duke of
- Albany, Duchess of
- Albategni
- Albatross
- Albero`ni
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert, Prince
- Albert, St.
- Albert Edward
- Albert I.
- Albert II.
- Albert III.
- Albert Medal
- Albert the Bear
- Albert Nyan`za
- Alber`ta
- Alberti
- Alber`tus Magnus
- Albi
- Albigen`ses
- Albinos
- Albinus
- Albion
- Alboin
- Alborak
- Albor`noz
- Albrecht
- Albrizzi
- Albue`ra
- Albufe`ra
- Al`bula
- Albumen
- Albuquerque`, Alfonso d'
- Albyn
- Alcæ`us of Mitylene
- Alca`la de Hena`res
- Alcan`tara
- Alceste
- Alces`tis
- Alchemy
- Alcibi`ades
- Alci`des
- Alcin`ous
- Alci`ra
- Alcman
- Alcme`ne
- Alcmeonidæ
- Alcock, John
- Alcohol
- Alcoholism
- Alcoran`
- Alcott, Louisa Mary
- Alcoy
- Al`cuin
- Alcy`one
- Alde`baran
- Aldehyde
- Al`derney
- Al`dershot
- Aldine Editions
- Aldingar, Sir
- Aldobrandini
- Al`dred
- Al`drich
- Aldrovan`di, Ulysses
- Aldus Manutius
- Alec`to
- Aleman`
- Aleman`ni
- Alemte`jo
- Alençon
- Alençon, Counts and Dukes of
- Alep`po
- Ale`sia
- Alesius
- Alessandria
- Alessi
- Aletsch Glacier, The
- Aleu`tian Islands
- Alexander the Great
- Alexander, St.
- Alexander, Solomon
- Alexander III.
- Alexander VI.
- Alexander I.
- Alexander II.
- Alexander III.
- Alexander I.
- Alexander II.
- Alexander III.
- Alexander I.
- Alexander Nevsky
- Alexander of Hales
- Alexander of Paris
- Alexander of the North
- Alexander Seve`rus
- Alexan`dria
- Alexandria
- Alexandrian Codex
- Alexandrian Library
- Alexandri`na Lake
- Alexandrine Philosophy
- Alexandrines
- Alexan`dropol
- Alexis, St.
- Alexis Michaelovitch
- Alexis Petrovitch
- Alexius Comne`nus
- Alfa
- Al`fadur
- Alfara`bi
- Alfie`ri
- Alfonsine Tables
- Alfonso I.
- Alfonso X.
- Alfonso III.
- Alford, Henry
- Alford, Michael
- Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
- Alfred the Great
- Algæ
- Algar`di
- Algaro`tti, Francesco
- Algar`ve
- Algebra
- Alge`ria
- Algesi`ras
- Algiers`
- Algine
- Algo`a Bay
- Al`gol
- Algonquins
- Alham`bra
- A`li
- Ali Baba
- A`li Pasha
- Alican`te
- Aligarh`
- Alighie`ri
- Al`ima
- Alimentary canal
- Alison, Archibald
- Alison, Sir Archibald
- Alison, W. Pulteney
- Aliwal`
- Al`kahest
- Alkalies
- Alkaline earths
- Alkaloids
- Alkmaar`
- Alkmer, Henrik van
- All the Talents, Administration of
- Al`lah
- Allahabad`
- Allan, David
- Allan, Sir William
- Allantois
- Allard`
- Allegha`ny
- Allegha`ny Mountains
- Allegorical interpretation
- Allegory
- Allegri
- Al`leine, Joseph
- Allen, Bog of
- Allen, Ethan
- Allen, Grant
- Allen, John
- Allen, Wm.
- Allentown
- Alle`rion
- Alleyn, Edward
- Al`lia
- Alliance, the Triple
- Allier
- Allies
- Allies, Thomas William
- Alligator
- Allingham, William
- Allman, George J.
- Alloa
- Allob`roges
- Allopathy
- Allotropy
- Alloway
- Alloway Kirk
- All-Saints' Day
- All-Souls' Day
- Allspice
- Allston, Washington
- Alma
- Almack's
- Almaden
- Alma`gro, Diego d'
- Al-mamoun
- Almanach de Gotha
- Almansur, Abu Giafar
- Almansur, Abu Mohammed
- Al`ma-Tad`ema, Laurence
- Almaviva
- Almeida
- Almeida, Francesco
- Almeria
- Almighty dollar
- Almohades
- Almo`ra
- Almoravides
- Alnwick
- Aloe
- Aloes wood
- Alost
- Aloysius, St.
- Aloysius, St.
- Alpaca
- Alp-Arslan
- Alpes
- Alphe`us
- Alpine Club
- Alpine plants
- Alps, The
- Alpujar`ras
- Alruna-wife
- Alsace-Lorraine`
- Alsa`tia
- Alsen
- Al-Sirat
- Alsten
- Altai` Mountains
- Altdor`fer, Albrecht
- Al`ten, Karl August
- Al`tenburg
- Althen
- Alton Locke
- Alto`na
- Alto-relievo
- Al`torf
- Altruism
- Alumbra`do
- Alured of Beverley
- Alva, Duke of
- Alvara`do, Pedro de
- Alvarez, Francesco
- Alvarez, Don José
- Alviano
- Amadeus, Lake
- Amade`us V.
- Amadeus VIII.
- Amadeus I.
- Am`adis de Gaul
- Amadou
- Amaimon
- Amalaric
- Amalekites
- Amal`fi
- Amalfian Laws
- Ama`lia, Anna
- Amalric
- Amalthe`a
- Ama`ra Sinha
- Ama`ri, Michele
- Amaryl`lis
- Ama`sia
- Ama`sis
- Ama`ti
- Amatitlan
- Amaurosis
- Amazon
- Amazons
- Ambassador
- Amber
- Amberger
- Ambergris
- Amberley, Lord
- Ambleside
- Amblyopsis
- Amboise
- Amboise, George de, Cardinal
- Amboyna
- Am`brose, St.
- Ambro`sia
- Amelia
- Amende honorable
- Amerbach, Johann
- America
- America, British N.
- America, Central
- America, North
- America, Russian
- America, South
- America, Spanish
- American Fabius
- American Indians
- Ameri`go-Vespuc`ci
- Ames, Joseph
- Amha`ra
- Amherst, Lord
- Amice
- Am`iel
- Amiens`
- Amiran`tes
- Ammana`ti, Bartolomeo
- Ammia`nus Marcelli`nus
- Ammirato
- Am`mon
- Ammonia
- Ammonio, Andrea
- Ammonites
- Ammonites
- Ammo`nius Saccas
- Amnion
- Amœba
- Amomum
- Amorites
- Amory, Thomas
- Amos
- Amoy`
- Ampère`, André Marie
- Ampère, Jean Jacques
- Amphic`tyonic Council
- Amphi`on
- Amphisbæna
- Am`phitrite
- Amphit`ryon
- Amphitryon the True
- Am`ran range
- Amrit`sar
- Am`ru
- Amsterdam
- Amur`
- Amurnath
- Amyot, Jacques
- Amyot, Joseph
- Anabaptists
- Anab`asis
- Anacharsis
- Anacharsis Clootz
- Anacon`da
- Anac`reon
- Anacreon of Painters
- Anadyom`ene
- Anadyr
- Anag`ni
- Anahuac`
- An`akim
- Anam`alah Mountains
- Anamu`di
- Anarchism
- Anasta`sius
- Anastasius, St.
- Anastasius I.
- Anato`lia
- Anatomy of Melancholy
- Anaxag`oras
- Anaxar`chus
- Anaximander
- Anaxim`enes
- Ancæus
- Ancelot
- Ancenis
- Ancestor-worship
- Anchieta
- Anchi`ses
- Anchitherium
- Anchovy
- Anchovy pear
- Ancient Mariner
- Ancillon, Frederick
- Anco`na
- Ancre, Marshal
- Ancus Marcius
- Andalusia
- Andamans
- Andelys, Les
- Andermatt
- Andersen, Hans Christian
- Anderson, James
- Anderson, James
- Anderson, John
- Anderson, Lawrence
- Anderson, Mary
- Anderson, Sir Edmund
- Andes
- Andocides
- Andor`ra
- Andover
- Andral, Gabriel
- An`drassy, Count
- Andre, John
- André II.
- Andrea del Sarto
- Andrea Pisano
- Andreossy, Count
- Andreossy, François
- Andrew, St.
- Andrew, St., Russian Order of
- Andrew, St., the Cross of
- Andrewes, Lancelot
- Andrews, Joseph
- Andrews, Thomas
- Andrieux, St.
- Andro`clus
- Androm`ache
- Androm`eda
- Androni`cus
- Andronicus, Livius
- Andronicus of Rhodes
- Andros
- Androuet du Cerceau`
- Andujar
- Anemometer
- Aneroid
- Aneu`rin
- Aneurism
- Angara
- Angel
- Angel-fish
- Angelic Doctor
- Angel`ica
- Angelica draught
- Angelico, Fra
- An`gelus
- Angers`
- Angerstein, John
- Angi`na pec`toris
- Angler
- Angles
- An`glesea
- Anglesey, Marquis of
- Anglia, East
- Ang`lican Church
- Anglo-Saxon
- Ango`la
- Ango`ra
- Angostu`ra
- Angoulême`
- Angoulême, Charles de Valois, Duc d'
- Angoulême, Duc d'
- Angoulême, Duchesse d'
- An`gra
- An`gra Peque`na
- Ang`strom
- Anguil`la
- Anguier
- An`halt
- Anhalt-Dessau, Leopold, Prince of
- Anichini
- Aniline
- Animal heat
- Animal magnetism
- Animism
- An`io
- Anise
- Anjou`
- Ankarström
- Anklam
- Ankobar
- Ann Arbor
- Anna Comne`na
- An`na Ivanov`na
- An`nam
- An`nan
- Annap`olis
- Anne, Queen
- Anne, St.
- Anne of Austria
- Anne of Brittany
- Anne of Clèves
- Annecy
- Annobon
- Annonay
- Annunciation Day
- Anquetil`, Louis Pierre
- Anquetil`-Duperron
- Ansbach
- Anschar
- Anselm, St.
- Anson, Lord
- Anstruther, East and West
- Antæus
- Antal`cidas
- Antananari`vo
- Antar
- Ant-eaters
- Antelope
- Anteque`ra
- Anthe`lia
- Anthe`mius
- Anthon, Charles
- Anthrax
- Anthropoid apes
- Anthropology
- Anthropomorphism
- Anti`bes
- Antichrist
- Anticosti
- Antig`one`
- Antigone, The Modern
- Antig`onus
- Antigonus
- Antigonus Gonatas
- Antigua
- Antilles
- Antimony
- Antinomianism
- Antinomy
- Antin`ous
- An`tioch
- Anti`ochus
- Anti`ope
- Antip`aros
- Antip`ater
- Antiph`ilus
- An`tiphon
- Antipope
- Antipyretics
- Antipyrin
- Antisa`na
- Antise`mites
- Antiseptics
- Antis`thenes
- Anti-Taurus
- Antium
- Antiva`ri
- Antofagas`ta
- Antommar`chi
- Antonelli, Cardinal
- Antonel`lo
- Antoni`nus, Itinerary of
- Antoni`nus
- Antoni`nus Pius
- Antoni`nus, Wall of
- Anto`nius, Marcus
- Anto`nius, Marcus
- An`tony, St.
- Antony of Padua
- Antraigues, Count d'
- Ant`rim
- Antwerp
- Anu`bis
- Anwari
- An`ytus
- Aos`ta
- Apa`ches
- Apel`les
- Ap`ennines
- Apes, Dead Sea
- Aph`ides
- Aphrodi`te
- Api`cius
- A`pion
- A`pis
- Apocalyptic writings
- Apocrypha, The
- Apol`da
- Apollina`ris
- Apollo
- Apollodo`rus
- Apollonius of Rhodes
- Apollonius of Tyana
- Apol`los
- Apollyon
- Apologetics
- Apostate
- Apostle of Germany
- Apostles, The Four
- Apostolic Fathers
- Apostolic succession
- Appala`chians
- Appenzell`
- Ap`pian
- Ap`pian Way
- Apple of Discord
- Appleby
- Applegath, Augustus
- Appleton
- Appleton, Ch. Edward
- Appomattox Courthouse
- Apraxen, Count
- April
- Ap`teryx
- Apule`ius
- Apu`lia
- Apu`re
- Aqua Tofa`na
- Aqua`rius
- Aquaviva
- A`quila
- A`quila
- A`quila, Gaspar
- Aquileia
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Aquitaine`
- Arabella Stuart
- Arabesque
- Ara`bi, Ahmed Pasha
- Arabia
- Arabia Felix
- Arabian Desert
- Arabian Nights
- Arabs, The
- Aracan
- Arach`ne
- Arad
- Araf
- Arafat`
- Ar`ago, François
- Arago, Jacques
- Ar`agon
- Araguay
- Arakan
- Aral, The Sea of
- Aram, Eugene
- Aramæa
- Arama`ic
- Aramæ`ans
- Aran, Val d'
- Aran Islands
- Aranda, Count of
- Aranju`ez
- Ar`any, Janos
- Ar`arat
- Ara`tus
- Arauca`nia
- Arauca`ria
- Arbe`la
- Arbroath
- Arbuthnot, John
- Ar`cachon
- Arca`dia
- Arca`dius
- Arcesila`us
- Archæology
- Archangel
- Archangels
- Archela`us
- Archer, James
- Archer, Wm.
- Ar`ches, Court of
- Ar`chil
- Archil`ochus
- Archima`go
- Archime`des of Syracuse
- Archimed`es screw
- Archipel`ago
- Architrave
- Ar`chon
- Archy`tas of Tarentum
- Arcis`-sur-Aube
- Ar`cot
- Arctic Ocean
- Arctu`rus
- Ardèche
- Arden
- Arden, Enoch
- Ardennes
- Ar`doch
- Arends, Leopold
- Areopagitica
- Areop`agus
- Arequi`pa
- A`rés
- Aretæ`us
- Arethu`sa
- Areti`no, Pietro
- Arezzo
- Ar`gali
- Argan`
- Argand
- Argelan`der
- Ar`gens, Marquis d'
- Argenson, René-Louis, Marquis d'
- Argentine Republic
- Ar`go
- Ar`golis
- Ar`gon
- Argonautica
- Ar`gonauts
- Argonne`, Forest of
- Ar`gos
- Ar`gus
- Argus
- Argyll
- Argyll
- Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquis of
- Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of
- Argyll, George John Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of
- Argyll, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of
- Ariad`ne
- Arianism
- Aria`no
- Ari`ca
- Ariège
- A`riel
- Ariel
- Aries
- Ari`on
- Arios`to, Ludovico
- Ariovistus
- Aristæ`us
- Aristar`chus of Samos
- Aristarchus of Samothrace
- Ariste`as
- Aristi`des
- Aristion
- Aristip`pus of Cyrene
- Aristobu`lus I.
- Aristode`mus
- Aristom`enes
- Aristophanes
- Ar`istotle
- Aristox`enus of Tarentum
- A`rius
- Arizo`na
- Ark of the Covenant
- Arkans`as
- Arkwright, Sir Richard
- Arlberg
- Arles
- Ar`lincourt, Viscount d'
- Ar`lington, Henry Bennet, Earl of
- Ar`lon
- Arma`da
- Armageddon
- Armagh
- Armagnac
- Armagnacs
- Armato`les
- Armed soldier of Democracy
- Arme`nia
- Armenians
- Armentières
- Armi`da
- Arminianism
- Armin`ius
- Arminius, Jacobus
- Armor`ica
- Armstrong, John
- Armstrong, William George, Lord
- Ar`naud, Henri
- Arnauld, Antoine
- Arnauld, Marie Ange`lique
- Arndt, Ernst Moritz
- Arndt, John
- Arne, Thomas Augustine
- Arn`heim
- Arnim, Bettine von
- Arnim, Count
- Arnim, Ludwig Achim von
- Arno
- Arnobius
- Arnold, Benedict
- Arnold, Matthew
- Arnold, Sir Edwin
- Arnold, Thomas
- Arnold of Brescia
- Arnold of Winkelried
- Arnott, Dr. Neil
- Arou`et
- Ar`pad
- Arpi`no (Arpinium)
- Arqua
- Arrack
- Ar`rah
- Arran
- Arras
- Ar`ria
- Ar`rian, Flavius
- Arrow-headed characters
- Arru Islands
- Ar`saces I.
- Arsacidæ
- Arsin`oë
- Arta, Gulf of
- Arts, The
- Artaxer`xes
- Arte`di
- Ar`tegal
- Ar`temis
- Artemi`sia
- Artemi`sium
- Artemus Ward
- Artesian wells
- Ar`tevelde, Jacob van
- Artevelde, Philip van
- Artful Dodger
- Ar`thur
- Arthur, Chester Alan
- Arthur, Prince, Duke of Brittany
- Arthur Seat
- Articles, The Thirty-Nine
- Artist
- Artists, Prince of
- Ar`tois
- Artois, Monseigneur d'
- Ar`undel
- Arundel, Thomas
- Arundel marbles
- Aruns
- Aruwi`mi
- Arva`tes, Fratres
- Arve
- Arveyron
- Ar`yans
- Ar`zew
- Asafœ`tida
- Asaph
- Asaph, St.
- Asbes`tos
- Asbjörn`sen
- As`bury, Francis
- As`calon
- Asca`nius
- As`capart
- Ascension
- Aschaf`fenburg
- Ascham, Roger
- Aschersle`ben
- Asclepi`ades
- As`cot
- As`gard
- Asgill, John
- Ash, John
- Ash`anti
- Ashburnham, John
- Ashburnham, 5th Earl of
- Ashburton, Alexander Baring, Lord
- Ashburton, William Bingham Baring
- Ashby-de-la-Zouch
- Ashdod
- Ashe`ra
- Ash`mole, Elias
- Ashmun, Jehudi
- Ash`taroth
- Ash`ton-under-Lyne
- Asia
- Asia Minor
- Askew, Anne
- Askew, Antony
- Asmode`us
- Asmonæ`ans
- Aso`ka
- Asp
- Aspa`sia
- As`pern
- Asphalt
- Asphaltic Lake
- As`phodel
- Asphyx`ia
- Aspinwall
- Aspromon`te
- Asquini, Count
- Assab Bay
- Assam`
- Assarotti
- As`sas, Nicolas
- Assassins
- Assaye`
- Assegai
- Assembly, General
- Assembly, National
- Assembly, Westminster
- Assemani, Giuseppe
- Asser, John
- Assien`to
- As`signats
- Assiniboi`a
- Assiniboines
- Assi`si
- Association of ideas
- Assouan`
- Assoucy, D'
- Assumption, Feast of the
- Assur
- Assyr`ia
- Assyriology
- Astar`te
- Aster
- As`teroids
- As`ti
- Astley, Philip
- Astolfo
- Aston, Luise
- Aston Manor
- Astor, John Jacob
- Astor, William Waldorf
- Asto`ria
- Astræ`a
- Astræa Redux
- As`trakhan
- Astral body
- Astral spirits
- Astrology
- Astruc, Jean
- Astu`rias
- Asty`ages
- Asty`anax
- Asun`cion
- Asuras, The
- Asymptote
- Ataca`ma
- Atahualpa
- Atalan`ta
- At`avism
- Atba`ra
- Ate`
- Athaba`sca
- Athalia
- Athanasian Creed
- Athanasius
- Atheism
- Atheism, Modern
- Athelney, Isle of
- Athe`na
- Athenæum
- Athenæus
- Athenag`oras
- Ath`ens
- Athlone
- Athole
- Athole-brose
- Athole, Sir John James Hugh Stewart-Murray, 7th Duke of
- A`thos, Mount
- Atlanta
- Atlantes
- Atlantic, The
- Atlan`tis
- At`las
- Atlas Mountains
- Atman, The
- At`oll
- Atomic theory
- Atomic weight
- Atra`to
- A`treus
- Atri`des
- At`ropos
- At`talus
- Atterbury, Francis
- Attic Bee
- Attic faith
- Attic Muse
- Attic salt
- Attic style
- At`tica
- Atticism
- Atticus, Titus P.
- At`tila
- At`tock
- Attorney-General
- Attwood, George
- Attwood, Thomas
- A`tys
- Aube
- Au`ber
- Au`bert, The Abbé
- Aub`rey, John
- Aub`riot
- Aubry de Montdidier
- Aubusson
- Aubusson, Pierre d'
- Auch
- Auchinleck
- Auchterar`der
- Auck`land
- Auckland, Bishop
- Auckland, George Eden, Lord
- Auckland, William Eden, Lord
- Auckland Islands
- Aude
- Audebert, Jean Baptiste
- Audhumbla
- Audley, Sir Thomas, Lord
- Au`douin, Jean Victor
- Audran, Gerard
- Au`dubon, John James
- Au`enbrugger
- Au`erbach, Bertholo
- Au`ersperg, Count von
- Auf`recht, Theodor
- Aufklärung, The
- Auge`as
- Auger
- Au`gereau, Pierre François Charles
- Au`gier, Émile
- Augs`burg
- Augsburg Confession
- Augurs
- August
- Augusta
- Augustan Age
- Augusti
- Augustin
- Au`gustine, St.
- Augustinians
- Augustus
- Augustus
- Augustus I.
- Augustus II.
- Augustus III.
- Aulic Council
- Aulis
- Aumale, Duc d'
- Aumale, Duc d'
- Aungerville, Richard
- Aunoy, Comtesse d'
- Aurelia`nus, Lucius Domitius
- Aure`lius, Marcus
- Aure`lius, Victor Sextus
- Aureola
- Aurillac
- Au`rochs
- Auro`ra
- Aurora
- Aurora Borealis
- Aurun`gabad`
- Au`rungzebe
- Auscultation
- Auscultator
- Ausonia
- Ausonius, Decimus Magnus
- Austen, Jane
- Aus`terlitz
- Austin
- Austin, Alfred
- Austin, John
- Austin, Mrs. J.
- Austin Friars
- Australasia
- Australia
- Austrasia
- Austria
- Austrian lip
- Auteuil
- Authorised Version of the Bible
- Autochthons
- Auto-da-fé
- Autol`ycus
- Autom`edon
- Autonomy
- Autran`, Joseph
- Autun`
- Auvergne`
- Auxerre`
- Ava
- Av`alon
- Avars
- Avatar`
- Ave Maria
- Avebury
- Avelli`no
- Aventine Hill
- Aventi`nus
- Avenzo`ar
- Avernus
- Aver`roës
- Aversa
- Aveyron`
- Avicen`na
- Avie`nus, Rufus Festus
- Avign`on
- A`vila
- Avila, Juan d'
- Avila y Zinuga
- Avlo`na
- Av`ola
- A`von
- Avranches`
- Awe, Loch
- Axel
- Axholme, Isle of
- Axim
- Ax`olotl
- Ax`um
- Ayacu`cho
- Aya`la, Pedro Lopez d'
- Aye-aye
- Ayesha
- Ayles`bury
- Aylmer, John
- Ayloffe, Sir Joseph
- Ayma`ras
- Aymon, the Count of Dordogne
- Ay`mar-Ver`nay
- Ayr
- Ayr`er, Jacob
- Ayrshire
- Ayton, Sir Robert
- Aytoun, William Edmondstoune
- Azeglio, Marchese d'
- Azerbijan
- Azores
- Azov, Sea of
- Az`rael
- Az`tecs
- Azuni, Dominico Alberto
- Azymites