Words / 1907 Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge / E
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- Eacus
- Eadmer
- Eadric
- Eads, James Buchanan
- Eagle
- Eagle, Order of the Black
- Eagle of Brittany
- Eagle of Meaux
- Eagre
- Earl
- Earl Marshal
- Earlom, Richard
- Earlston
- Early English
- Earth Houses
- Earthly Paradise
- East India Company
- East River
- Eastbourne
- Easter
- Eastern States
- Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock
- Eastwick, Edward Backhouse
- Eau Creole
- Eau-de-Cologne
- Ebal, Mount
- Eberhard, Johann August
- Ebers, George Moritz
- Ebert, Karl Egon
- Ebionites
- Eblis
- Ebony
- Ebro
- Ecbatana
- Ecce Homo
- Ecchymosis
- Ecclefechan
- Ecclesiastes
- Ecclesiastical Polity, the Law of
- Ecclesiastical States
- Ecclesiasticus
- Ecclesiology
- Ecgberht
- Echidna
- Echo
- Eck, John
- Eckermann, Johann Peter
- Eckhart, Meister
- Eckmühl
- Eclectics
- Ecliptic
- Economy
- Ecorcheurs
- Ecstatic Doctor
- Ecuador
- Ecumenical Council
- Eczema
- Edda
- Eddystone Lighthouse
- Edelinck, Gerard
- Eden
- Edessa
- Edfu
- Edgar
- Edgar the Atheling
- Edgehill
- Edgeworth, Henry Essex
- Edgeworth, Maria
- Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
- Edict of Nantes
- Edie Ochiltree
- Edina
- Edinburgh
- Edinburgh Review
- Edinburgh University
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Edith
- Edithe, St.
- Edmund, St.
- Edmund, St.
- Edmund Ironside
- Edom
- Edred
- Edrisi
- Education
- Edui
- Edward, Thomas
- Edward I.
- Edward II.
- Edward III.
- Edward IV.
- Edward V.
- Edward VI.
- Edward VII.
- Edward the Confessor
- Edward the Elder
- Edwardes, Sir Herbert Benjamin
- Edwards, Bryan
- Edwards, Jonathan
- Edwin
- Edwy
- Eeckhout
- Effen, Van
- Effendi
- Egalité, Philippe
- Egates
- Egbert
- Egede, Hans
- Egede, Paul
- Eger
- Egeria
- Egerton, Francis
- Egger, Émile
- Egham
- Eginhard
- Eglantine, Madame
- Eglinton and Winton, Earl of
- Egmont, Lamoral, Count of
- Egmont, Mount
- Ego
- Egoism
- Egoist
- Egypt
- Egyptian Night
- Egyptians, The
- Egyptology
- Egyptus
- Ehkili
- Ehrenberg
- Ehrenbreitstein
- Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried
- Eichthal, Gustave d'
- Eichwald, Charles Edward
- Eiffel, Gustave
- Eiffel Tower
- Eigg
- Eighteenth Century
- Eikon Basilikë
- Eildons, The
- Eimeo
- Einsiedeln
- Eisenach
- Eisleben
- Eisteddfod
- Ekaterinburg
- Ekron
- Elaine
- Elaterium
- Elba
- Elbe
- Elberfeld
- Elbœuf
- Elburz
- Elder
- Eldon, John Scott, Lord
- El Dorado
- Eleanor
- Eleatics
- Election, The Doctrine of
- Electors, The
- Electra
- Electra
- Electric Light
- Electricity
- Elegy
- Elemental Spirits
- Elements
- Elephant
- Elephant, Order of the White
- Elephanta
- Elephantiasis
- Elephantine
- Eleusinian Mysteries
- Eleusis
- Eleutheria
- Elf-arrows
- Elgin
- Elgin
- Elgin
- Elgin, James Bruce, 8th Earl of
- Elgin Marbles
- Elia
- Elias, Mount
- Elijah
- Eliot, George
- Eliot, John
- Elis
- Elisa
- Elisha
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Farnese
- Elizabeth, Empress of Russia
- Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia
- Elizabeth, Queen of England
- Elizabeth, St.
- Elizabethan Architecture
- Elizabethan Era
- Elkargeh
- Ellenborough, Edward Law, Earl of
- Ellenrieder, Marie
- Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, Earl of
- Elliot, George Augustus
- Elliotson, John
- Elliott, Ebenezer
- Ellis, Alexander J.
- Ellis, George
- Ellis, Sir Henry
- Ellis, William
- Elliston, Robert William
- Ellora
- Ellwood, Thomas
- Elmo's Fire, St.
- Eloge
- Elohim
- Elohist
- Elphinstone, George Keith, Admiral
- Elphinstone, Mountstuart
- Elphinstone, William
- Elsass
- Elsinore
- Elswick
- Elton
- Elton, Charles Isaac
- Elvas
- Ely
- Ely, Isle of
- Elyot, Sir Thomas
- Elysium
- Elze, Frederick Carl
- Elzevir
- Elzevir Editions
- Emanation, the Doctrine of
- Emancipation
- Emanuel I.
- Embalming
- Ember Days
- Embryo
- Embryology
- Emden
- Emerald
- Emerald Isle
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo
- Emerson Tennent, Sir James
- Emery
- Emigrants, The
- Émile
- Emir
- Emmet, Robert
- Empe`docles
- Empires
- Empiric
- Empiricism
- Empson, Sir Richard
- Empyema
- Empyrean
- Ems
- Enamel
- Encaustic Painting
- Enceladus
- Enceladus, Manuel Blanco
- Enchiridion of Epictetus
- Encina
- Encke, Johann Franz
- Encyclical Letter
- Encyclopædia
- Encyclopédie
- Encyclopedist
- Endemic
- Endogens
- Endor
- Endosmose
- Endymion
- Eneid
- Energy, Conservation of
- Enfantin, Barthélemy Prosper
- Enfield
- Engadine
- Engedi
- Enghien, Louis de Bourbon, Duc d'
- Engineers, Royal Naval
- Engineers, the Corps of Royal
- England
- England, The Want Of
- Engles, Friedrich
- Enid
- Enniskillen
- Ennius
- Enoch
- Enoch, The Book of
- Enoch Arden
- Entablature
- Entail
- Entsagen
- Environment
- Eolus
- Eon
- Eon de Beaumont, Charles d'
- Eos
- Eötvös, Jozsef
- Epact
- Epaminondas
- Epée, Charles Michel, Abbé de l'
- Epeius
- Épernay
- Ephesians, The Epistle to
- Ephialtes
- Ephialtes
- Ephod
- Eph`ori
- Ephraem Syrus
- Ephraim
- Epic
- Epic melody
- Epicharis
- Epicharmus
- Epictetus
- Epicureans
- Epicurus
- Epicycle
- Epidaurus
- Epidemic
- Epigoni
- Epigram
- Epilepsy
- Epimenides
- Epimetheus
- Epinal
- Epinay, Madame d'
- Epiphanius, St.
- Epiphany
- Epi`rus
- Episcopacy
- Episcopius, Simon
- Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum
- Epitaph
- Epithalamium
- Epping Forest
- Epsom
- Equinoctial Points
- Equinoxes
- Equites, The
- Erasmus, Desiderius
- Erastianism
- Erastus
- Erato
- Eratosthenes
- Ercilla y Zuñiga
- Erdgeist
- Erdmann
- Erebus
- Erectheus
- Erfurt
- Ergot
- Eric
- Eric the Red
- Ericsson, John
- Erie, Lake
- Erigena, Johannes Scotus
- Erin
- Erinna
- Erinnyes, The
- Eris
- Erivan
- Erlangen
- Erlau
- Erl-King
- Erminia
- Ernesti, Johann August
- Ernst, Elector of Saxony
- Ernst I.
- Eros
- Erostratus
- Erpenius
- Ersch, Johann Samuel
- Erskine, Ebenezer
- Erskine, Henry
- Erskine, John
- Erskine, John, D.D.
- Erskine, John, of Dun
- Erskine, Ralph
- Erskine, Thomas, Lord
- Erskine, Thomas, of Linlathen
- Erwin
- Erymanthus
- Erysipelas
- Erythema
- Erythrea
- Erythrean Sea
- Erzerum
- Erzgebirge
- Eryx
- Esau
- Eschatology
- Eschenbach, Wolfram von
- Escher, Johann Heinrich Alfred
- Eschines
- Escobar, Mendoza Antonio
- Escurial
- Esdraëlon
- Esdras
- Esk
- Eskimo
- Eskimo dog
- Esmond, Henry
- Esné
- Esoteric
- Espartero
- Espinasse, Clare Françoise
- Espinel, Vincent de
- Espiritu Santo
- Esprit des Lois
- Espy, James Pollard
- Esquire
- Esquiros, Henry Alphonse
- Essen
- Essenes
- Essequibo
- Essex
- Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of
- Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of
- Essling
- Esslingen
- Estaing, Comte d'
- Este
- Este
- Esterhazy
- Esterhazy de Galantha
- Esther, The Book of
- Esthonia
- Estienne
- Est-il-possible
- Estrades, Count d'
- Estremadura
- Etéocles
- Eternal City
- Eternities, The Conflux of
- Ethelbert
- Etheldreda
- Ethelred I.
- Ethelred II.
- Ether
- Ether
- Etheredge, Sir George
- Ethics
- Ethics of Dust, The
- Ethiopia
- Ethnology
- Étienne, St.
- Etive
- Etna
- Eton
- Être Suprême
- Etruria
- Ettmüller, Ernst Moritz Ludwig
- Ettrick
- Ettrick Shepherd
- Etty, William
- Eubœa
- Euclid of Alexandria
- Euclid of Megara
- Eudæmonism
- Eudocia
- Eudoxus of Cnidus
- Eugene, François, Prince of Savoy
- Eugénie, ex-Empress of the French
- Eugenius
- Eugenius IV.
- Eugubine Tables
- Euhemerism
- Eulenspiegel
- Euler, Leonhard
- Eumenides
- Eumolpus
- Eunomians
- Eunomius
- Eupatoria
- Euphemism
- Euphrates
- Euphrosyne
- Euphuism
- Eure
- Eure-et-Loir
- Eureka
- Euripides
- Europa
- Europe
- Eurotas
- Eurus
- Eurydice
- Eurystheus
- Eusebius Pamphili
- Eustachio, Bartolommeo
- Eustathius
- Euterpë
- Eutropius, Flavius
- Eutyches
- Eutychianism
- Euxine
- Evander
- Evangelical
- Evangelical Alliance
- Evangelical Union
- Evangeline
- Evangelist
- Evans, Sir de Lacy
- Evans, Mary Ann
- Evelyn, John
- Everest, Mount
- Everett, Alexander Hill
- Everett, Edward
- Everlasting No, The
- Everlasting Yea, The
- Eversley
- Eversley, Charles Shaw Lefevre, Viscount
- Evil Eye
- Evolution
- Ev`ora
- Evremond, Saint
- Evreux
- Ewald, Georg Heinrich August von
- Ewald, Johannes
- Ewige Jude
- Excalibur
- Excommunication
- Exelmans, Remy Joseph Isodore, Comte
- Exeter
- Exeter Hall
- Exmoor
- Exmouth
- Exodus
- “Exodus from Houndsditch,”
- Exogens
- Exorcism
- Exoteric
- Externality
- Extreme Unction
- Eyck, Jan van
- Eylau
- Eyre, Edward John
- Eyre, Jane
- Ezekiel
- Ezra