Words / 1907 Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge / G
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- Gabelentz, Hans Conon von der
- Gabelle
- Gabelsberger, Franz Xavier
- Gaberlunzie
- Gabinus
- Gaboon
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Gabrielles d'Estrées
- Gad
- Gadames
- Gaddi, Gaddo
- Gaddi, Taddeo
- Gaddi, Agnolo
- Gades
- Gadshill
- Gaeta
- Gage, Thomas
- Gaia
- Gaillard
- Gainsborough, Thomas
- Gaius
- Galahad, Sir
- Galaor
- Galapágos
- Galata
- Galatea
- Galatia
- Galatians, Epistle to the
- Galatz
- Galaxy
- Galba
- Gale, Theophilus
- Gale, Thomas
- Galen
- Gale`rius, Valerius Maximus
- Galgacus
- Galia`ni, Ferdinando
- Galicia
- Galilæans
- Galilee
- Galilee, Sea of
- Galileo
- Galitzin
- Gall, Franz Joseph
- Gall, St.
- Galland, Antoine
- Gallas
- Galle
- Gallican Church
- Gallicanism
- Gallienus, Publius Licinius
- Galligantua
- Gallio
- Gallipoli
- Galloway
- Galswinthe
- Galt, John
- Galvanised Iron
- Galvanism
- Galvani, Luigi
- Galveston
- Galway
- Galway
- Gama, Vasco da
- Gamaliel
- Gambetta, Léon Michel
- Gambia
- Gambier, James, Lord
- Gamp, Sarah
- Gando
- Ganega
- Ganelon
- Ganges
- Ganges Canal
- Gangrene
- Gangway
- Ganymedes
- Gao
- Garay, János
- Garcia, Manuel
- Garcias, Don Pedro
- Garcilaso
- Garcilaso de la Vega
- Garcin de Tassy
- Gard
- Garda, Lago di
- Garde Nationale
- Gardes Suisses
- Gardiner, Colonel James
- Gairdner, James
- Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
- Gardiner, Stephen
- Garfield, James Abram
- Gargantua
- Garibaldi
- Garment of God, Living
- Garnet
- Garnet, Henry
- Garnett, Richard
- Garnett, Richard
- Garonne
- Garrick, David
- Garrison, William Lloyd
- Garter, the most noble Order of the
- Garth, Sir Samuel
- Gascoigne, Sir William
- Gascony
- Gaskell, Mrs., née Stevenson
- Gassendi, Pierre
- Gassner, Johann Joseph
- Gataker, Thomas
- Gate of Tears
- Gates, Horatio
- Gateshead
- Gath
- Gatling, Richard Jordan
- Gatty, Mrs.
- Gauchos
- Gauden, John
- Gaul
- Gaunt, John Of
- Gaur
- Gauss, Karl Friedrich
- Gautama
- Gautier, Théophile
- Gautier and Garguille
- Gavarni, Paul
- Gavazzi, Alessandro
- Gavelkind
- Gawain, Sir
- Gay, John
- Gaya
- Gay-Lussac, Louis Joseph
- Gaza
- Gazette The
- Gebir
- Ged, William
- Geddes, Alexander
- Geddes, Jenny
- Geefs, Guillaume
- Geelong
- Gefle
- Gehenna
- Gehenna Bailiffs
- Geibel, Emanuel von
- Geiger, Abraham
- Geijer, Erik Gustav
- Geikie, Sir Archibald
- Geikie, James
- Geïler von Kaiserberg, Johann
- Gelasius I., St.
- Gell, Sir William
- Gellert
- Gellert, Christian
- Gellus, Aulus
- Gelon
- Gemara
- Gemini
- Gendarmes
- Genesis
- Geneva
- Geneva, Lake of
- Geneviève
- Genghis Khan
- Genlis, Stephanie Félicité, Comtesse de
- Gen`oa
- Genre Painting
- Gens
- Gens Braccata
- Gens Togata
- Gen`seric
- Gentilly
- Gentle Shepherd
- Gentle Shepherd
- Gentlemen-at-arms
- Gentz, Friedrich von
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
- Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, Étienne
- Geoffrin, Marie Thérèse
- George I.
- George II.
- George III.
- George IV.
- George I.
- George, Henry
- George, St.
- Georgetown
- Georgia
- Gera
- Geraint, Sir
- Gérard, Étienne Maurice, Comte
- Gérard, François Pascal Simon, Baron
- Gerhardt, Karl Friedrich
- Gerhardt, Paul
- Gerizzim
- Germ Theory
- German Catholics
- German Voltaire
- Germanicus, Cæsar
- Germany
- Gérôme, Léon
- Gerry, Elbridge
- Gerson, John Charlier de
- Gerstäcker, Friedrich
- Gervase of Tilbury
- Gervinus, Georg Gottfried
- Geryon
- Gesenius
- Gesner, Konrad von
- Gessler, Albrecht
- Gessner, Salomon
- Gesta Romanorum
- Gethsemane
- Gettysburg
- Geyser
- Gfrörer, August Friedrich
- Ghâts
- Ghazali, Abu Mohammed al-
- Ghazipur
- Ghazni
- Gheel
- Ghent
- Ghetto
- Ghibellines
- Ghiberti, Lorenzo
- Ghika, Helena
- Ghilan
- Ghirlandajo
- Ghuzni
- Giants
- Giant's Causeway
- Giaour
- Gibbon, Edward
- Gibbons, Grinling
- Gibbons, Orlando
- Gibeon
- Gibraltar
- Gibson, John
- Gibson, Thomas Milner
- Gideon
- Giesebrecht, Wilhelm von
- Gieseler, Johann Karl Ludwig
- Giessen
- Gifford, Adam, Lord
- Gifford, William
- Gigman
- Gil Blas
- Gilbert, Sir Humphrey
- Gilbert, Sir John
- Gilbert, William Schwenck
- Gilbert Islands
- Gilboa, Mount
- Gilchrist, Alexander
- Gildas
- Gilead
- Giles, St.
- Gilfillan, George
- Gillespie, George
- Gilpin, John
- Gilpin, William, of Boldre
- Gilray, James
- Gioberti, Vincenzo
- Giordano, Luca
- Giorgione
- Giotto
- Giotto's O
- Giraldus Cambrensis
- Girard, Stephen
- Girardin, Émile de
- Girardin, François Saint-Marc
- Gironde
- Girondins
- Girtin, Thomas
- Girton College
- Gizeh
- Glacier
- Gladiator
- Gladstone, William Ewart
- Glaisher, James
- Glamorganshire
- Glanvill, Joseph
- Glanvill, Ranulf de
- Glasgow
- Glasse, Mrs.
- Glassites
- Glastonbury
- Glein, Ludwig
- Glencoe
- Glencoe, Massacre of
- Glendower, Owen
- Glenlivet
- Glenroy
- Glogau
- Glommen
- Gloriana
- Gloucester
- Gloucester, Robert of
- Gloucestershire
- Glück, Christoph von
- Gnomes
- Gnostics
- Goa
- Gobelins, Gilles and Jean
- Godav`ari
- Godet, Frederick
- Godfrey of Bouillon
- Godiva, Lady
- Godolphin, Sydney Godolphin, Earl of
- Godoy, Manuel de
- Godwin
- Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Godwin, William
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Goetz von Berlichingen
- Gog and Magog
- Gogol, Nicolai Vasilievitch
- Golconda
- Gold Coast
- Golden Age
- Golden Ass
- Golden Bull
- Golden Fleece
- Golden Fleece, Order of the
- Golden Horn
- Golden Legend
- Golden Rose
- Goldoni, Carlo
- Goldschmidt, Madame
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Golf
- Goliath
- Gomarists
- Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de
- Gondar
- Goneral
- Gonsalez
- Gonzaga
- Gonzalvo di Cordova
- Good Friday
- Good Regent
- Good Templars
- Goodfellow, Robin
- Goodman of Ballengeich
- Goodsir, John
- Goodwin Sands
- Goody Two Shoes
- Goodyear, Charles
- Goorkhas
- Gordian Knot
- Gordianus
- Gordius
- Gordon, General Charles George
- Gordon, Lord George
- Gordon, Sir John Watson
- Gore, Charles
- Görgei, Arthur
- Gorgias
- Gorgons
- Gorham, George Cornelius
- Görlitz
- Gortschakoff, Michael
- Gortschakoff, Prince
- Goschen, George Joachim
- Goshen
- Gospels
- Gosport
- Gosse, Edmund
- Gosse, Philip Henry
- Gotha
- Gotham
- Gothamites
- Gothard, St.
- Gothenburg
- Gothic Architecture
- Gothland
- Goths
- Gottfried von Strasburg
- Göttingen
- Gottsched, Johann Christoph
- Gough, Hugh, Viscount
- Gough, J. B.
- Goujon, Jean
- Gould, John
- Gounod, Charles François
- Govan
- Gow, Nathaniel
- Gow, Neil
- Gower, John
- Gowkthrapple
- Gowrie Conspiracy
- Gozo
- Gozzi, Count Carlo
- Gracchus, Caius Sempronius
- Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius
- Grace
- Grace, Dr. W. G.
- Grace Cup
- Graces, The
- Graciosa
- Gracioso
- Gradgrind
- Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of
- Graham, Sir John
- Graham, John, Viscount Dundee
- Graham, Thomas
- Grahame, James
- Graham's Dyke
- Grahamstown
- Graiæ
- Grail, The Holy
- Gramont
- Grampians
- Granada
- Granada, New
- Granby, John Manners, Marquis of
- Grand Alliance
- Grand Jury
- Grand Lamaism
- Grand Monarque, The
- Grand Pensionary
- Grandison, Sir Charles
- Grandville
- Grangemouth
- Grani`cus
- Grant, Sir Alexander
- Grant, Mrs. Anne
- Grant, Sir Francis
- Grant, James
- Grant, Sir James Hope
- Grant, Ulysses Simpson
- Grantham
- Granville, George Leveson-Gower
- Gratian
- Gratianus, Augustus
- Grattan, Henry
- Gratz
- Gravelotte
- Gravesend
- Gray, Asa
- Gray, Auld Robin
- Gray, John Edward
- Gray, Thomas
- Great Commoner
- Great Duke
- Great Eastern
- Great Elector
- Great Harry
- Great Magician
- Great Moralist
- Great Salt Lake
- Great Slave Lake
- Great Unknown, The
- Great Unwashed, The
- Greatheart
- Greece
- Greek
- Greek Fire
- Greeley, Horace
- Green, John Richard
- Green, Nathanael
- Green, Thomas Hill
- Greenbacks
- Greenland
- Greenock
- Greenough, Horatio
- Greenwich
- Greenwich Hospital
- Greenwood, Frederick
- Greg, William Rathbone
- Grégoire, Henri
- Gregorian Calendar
- Gregorian Year
- Gregory
- Gregory I., the Great
- Gregory II., St.
- Gregory III.
- Gregory VII., Hildebrand
- Gregory IX., Ugolino
- Gregory XIII.
- Gregory XVI.
- Gregory Nazianzen, St.
- Gregory of Nyssa, St.
- Gregory of Tours, St.
- Gregory Thaumaturgus, St.
- Gregory, David
- Gregory, James
- Gregory, James
- Gregory, John
- Gregory, William
- Grenada
- Grenfell, Sir Francis Wallace
- Grenoble
- Grenville, George
- Grenville, Sir Richard
- Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord
- Gresham, Sir Thomas
- Gresham College
- Gretchen
- Gretna Green
- Grétry
- Greuze, Jean Baptiste
- Grève, Place de
- Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke
- Greville, Fulke
- Gréville, Henry
- Grévy, François, Paul Jules
- Grey, Charles, first Earl
- Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl
- Grey, Sir George
- Grey, Lady Jane
- Grey Friars
- Grieg, Edoard
- Grierson, Sir Robert, of Lag
- Griesbach, Johann Jacob
- Griffin
- Grillparzer, Franz
- Grimaldi, Joseph
- Grimm, Baron
- Grimm, Jacob Ludwig
- Grimm, Wilhelm Karl
- Grimm's Law
- Grimsby
- Grindal, Edmund
- Grindelwald
- Gringo
- Gringore
- Griqualand, West and East
- Griselda
- Grisi, Giulia
- Grisnez, Cape
- Grisons
- Grocyn, William
- Grodno
- Grolier, Jean
- Gröningen
- Gronovius
- Gros, Antoine Jean, Baron
- Grose, Captain Francis
- Grossmith, George
- Grossmith, Weedon
- Grosseteste, Robert
- Grote, George
- Grotefend, Georg Friedrich
- Grotesque, The
- Grotius, Hugo
- Grouchy, Emmanuel, Marquis de
- Grove, Sir George
- Grove. Sir William Robert
- Grub Street
- Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin
- Grundy, Mrs.
- Gruyère
- Guacho
- Guadalquivir
- Guadeloupe
- Guadiana
- Guanajuato
- Guatemala
- Guayaquil
- Gubernatis, Angelo de
- Gudrun
- Guelderland
- Guelphs
- Guericke, Otto von
- Guerin, Maurice de
- Guerin, Pierre
- Guernsey
- Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
- Guesclin, Bertrand du
- Guest, Edwin
- Gueux
- Guiana
- Guicciardini
- Guichard, Karl
- Guicowar
- Guido Aretinus
- Guido Reni
- Guienne
- Guignes, Joseph de
- Guildford
- Guildhall
- Guildhall School of Music
- Guilds
- Guillotine
- Guinea
- Guinegate
- Guinevere
- Guiscard, Robert
- Guise
- Guise, Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, Duke of
- Guise, Claude of Lorraine
- Guise, Francis
- Guise, Henry I.
- Guise, Henry II.
- Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume
- Gujarat
- Gulf Stream
- Gull, Sir William Withey
- Gulliver
- Gully, Right Hon. William Court
- Gun-cotton
- Gun-metal
- Gunnings
- Gunpowder Plot
- Gunter, Edmund
- Gunther
- Guppy
- Gurney, Joseph John
- Gustavus (I.) Vasa
- Gustavus (II.) Adolphus
- Gustavus III.
- Gustavus IV.
- Gutenburg, Johannes
- Guthrie, Thomas
- Gutta-percha
- Guy, Thomas
- Guy of Warwick
- Guyon, Sir
- Gwalior
- Gwynn, Nell
- Gyges
- Gymnosophists
- Gymnotus
- Gypsies