Words / 1907 Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge / M
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- Mab, Queen
- Mabillon, Jean
- Mably, Gabriel Bonnet De
- Mabusa, Jan
- Macadam, John Loudon
- Macaire, Robert
- Macao
- Macarius, St.
- Macaroni
- Macassar
- Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord
- Macbeth
- Maccabees
- Maccabees, Books Of
- M'Carthy, Justin
- M'Cheyne, Robert Murray
- M'Clellan
- Macclesfield
- MacClintock
- M'Clure
- M'Crie, Thomas
- M'Culloch, Horatio
- M'Culloch, John Ramsey
- MacCunn, Hamish
- Macdonald
- Macdonald, Sir Claude M.
- Macdonald, Flora
- Macdonald, George
- Mace, The
- Macedonia
- Macedonians
- Macfarren, Sir George Alexander
- Machiavelli, Niccolo
- Machiavellism
- M'Ivor, Flora
- Mack, Karl
- Mackay, Charles
- Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell
- Mackenzie, Sir George
- Mackenzie, Henry
- Mackenzie River
- M'Kinley, William
- Mackintosh, Sir James
- Maclaren, Ian
- Maclaurin, Colin
- Macleod, Norman
- Maclise, Daniel
- Macmahon, Duke of Magenta
- Macpherson, James
- Macramé Lace
- Macready, William Charles
- Macrometer
- MacTurk, Captain Hector
- Madagascar
- Madeira
- Madeira River
- Madeleine, Church of the
- Madge Wildfire
- Madison, James
- Madman of the North
- Madoc
- Madonna
- Madras
- Madrid
- Madrigal
- Madvig, Johan Nicolai
- Mæander
- Mæcenas
- Maelström
- Mænades
- Mæonides
- Maestricht
- Maeterlinck, Maurice
- Mafeking
- Maffia
- Magdala
- Magdalene, Mary
- Magdeburg
- Magellan, Ferdinand
- Magellanic Clouds
- Magendie, François
- Magenta
- Maggiore, Lago
- Magi
- Magi, the Three
- Magic
- Maginn, William
- Magliabecchi
- Magna Charta
- Magna Græca
- Magnet
- Magnetic Induction
- Magnetism
- Magnificat, The
- Magnussen, Finn
- Magyars
- Mahâbhârata
- Mahâdêva
- Mahánadé
- Mahatma
- Mahdi
- Mahdi, Mohammed Ahmed
- Mahdism
- Mahmud II.
- Mahomet
- Mahon, Lord, Earl Stanhope
- Mahony, Francis
- Mahoun
- Mahrattas
- Maï, Angelo
- Maia
- Maid Marian
- Maid of Norway
- Maid of Orleans
- Maiden, The
- Maidment, James
- Maidstone
- Maimon, Solomon
- Maimonides, Moses
- Maine
- Maine, Sir Henry
- Maintenance, Cap of
- Maintenon, Françoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de
- Mainz
- Maistre, Count, Joseph de
- Maitland, William
- Majolica
- Majorca
- Majuscule
- Makrizi, Taki-ed-din Ahmed el-
- Malabar
- Malacca
- Malachi
- Malachy, St.
- Maladetta, Mount
- Malaga
- Malagrowther
- Malaise
- Malaprop, Mrs.
- Mälar Lake
- Malay Archipelago
- Malays
- Malcolm, Sir John
- Malcolm Canmore
- Maldive Islands
- Malebolge
- Malebranche, Nicholas
- Malesherbes, Lamoignon de
- Malherbe, François de
- Malignants
- Malines
- Malingering
- Mallet, David
- Mallock, William Hurrell
- Malmaison
- Malmesbury, William of
- Malmö
- Malone, Edmund
- Malory, Sir Thomas
- Malpighi, Marcello
- Malström
- Malta
- Maltebrun, Conrad
- Malthus, Thomas R.
- Malvern, Great
- Mambrino
- Mamelukes
- Mammon
- Mammoth
- Mammoth Cave
- Man, Isle Of
- Man of Destiny
- Man of Feeling
- Man of Ross
- Man of Sin
- Manasseh-ben-Israel
- Manby, Captain
- Mancha, La
- Manche, La
- Manchester
- Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of
- Manchuria
- Mandæans
- Mandalay
- Mandarin
- Mandeville, Bernard de
- Mandeville, Sir John
- Mandingoes
- Manes
- Manes, Mani
- Manetho
- Manfred
- Manfred, Count
- Manhattan
- Manichæism
- Manila
- Manin, Daniel
- Manito`ba
- Manitou
- Manlius, Capitolinus
- Mann, Horace
- Manna
- Mannheim
- Manning, Henry Edward
- Mans, Le
- Mansard
- Mansel, Henry Longueville
- Mansfield
- Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of
- Mansfield College
- Mansion House
- Mantegna, Andrea
- Mantell, Gideon
- Manteuffel, Baron von
- Mantra
- Mantua
- Mantuan Swan
- Manu, Code of
- Manzoni, Alessandro
- Maoris
- Mar
- Marabouts
- Maracaybo
- Maranatha
- Marañon
- Marat, Jean Paul
- Marathon
- Marburg
- Marceau
- Marcello, Benedetto
- Marcellus, Claudius
- Marcellus, Marcus
- Marcet, Mrs. Jane
- March
- Marchand, Major
- Marcion
- Marcus Aurelius
- Maremma
- Marengo
- Mareotis, Lake
- Margaret
- Margaret
- Margaret, St.
- Margaret, St.
- Margaret of Angoulême
- Margaret of Anjou
- Margaret of Valois
- Margate
- Marheinecke
- Maria Louisa
- Maria Theresa
- Mariamne
- Mariana, Juan
- Marie Antoinette
- Marie de France
- Marie de' Medici
- Marienbad
- Mariette Pasha, François Auguste Ferdinand
- Mario, Giuseppe
- Mariotte, Edme
- Marius, Caius
- Marivaux
- Mark, Gospel according to
- Mark, John
- Mark Antony
- Mark Twain
- Markham, Clements Robert
- Marlborough
- Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of
- Marlowe, Christopher
- Marmont
- Marmontel, Jean François
- Marmora, Sea of
- Marne
- Marochetti, Baron
- Maronites
- Maroons
- Marot, Clement
- Marprelate Tracts
- Marque
- Marquesas Islands
- Marrow Controversy
- Marryat, Frederick
- Mars
- Mars
- Marseillaise, The
- Marseilles
- Marshal Forwards
- Marshall, John
- Marston, John
- Marston, John Westland
- Marston, Philip Bourke
- Marston Moor
- Marsyas
- Martello Towers
- Martens, Frederick de
- Martensen, Hans Lassen
- Martha, St.
- Martial
- Martial Law
- Martin
- Martin, Aimé
- Martin, Henri
- Martin, John
- Martin, Lady
- Martin, St.
- Martin, Sarah
- Martin, Sir Theodore
- Martineau, Harriet
- Martineau, James
- Martinique
- Martyn, Henry
- Marvell, Andrew
- Marx, Karl
- Mary, the Virgin
- Mary I.
- Mary II.
- Mary, Queen of Scots
- Maryland
- Masaccio
- Masai
- Masaniello
- Mashonaland
- Mask, Iron
- Maskelyne, Nevil
- Mason, Sir Josiah
- Mason, William
- Mason and Dixon's Line
- Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles
- Massachusetts
- Massage
- Massagetæ
- Massena
- Massey, Gerald
- Massillon, Jean Baptiste
- Massinger, Philip
- Masson, David
- Masso`rah
- Massoretic Points
- Master Humphrey
- Master of Sentences
- Mastodon
- Masulipatam
- Matabeleland
- Matanza
- Materialism
- Mather, Cotton
- Mathew, Theobald
- Mathews, Charles
- Mathews, Charles James
- Matlock
- Matilda
- Matilda
- Matadore
- Matsys, Quentin
- Mattathias
- Matterhorn
- Matthew
- Matthew, Gospel according to
- Matthias Corvinus
- Maturin, Charles Robert
- Maudsley, Henry
- Maunday-Thursday
- Maupassant, Guy de
- Maupeou
- Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de
- Maur, St.
- Maurepas
- Maurice, Frederick Denison
- Maurice of Nassau
- Maurists
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Maury, Abbé
- Maury, Matthew Fontaine
- Mausole`um
- Mausolus
- Max Müller, Friedrich
- Maxim, Hiram S.
- Maxim Gun
- Maximilian, Ferdinand Joseph
- Maximilian I.
- Maxwell, James Clerk
- Maxwell, Sir William Stirling
- May
- May, Isle Of
- May, Sir Thomas Erskine
- Mayer, Julius Robert von
- Mayhew, Henry
- Maynooth
- Mayo
- Mayo, Richard Southwark Bourke, Earl of
- Mazarin, Jules
- Mazarin Bible
- Mazeppa, Ivan
- Mazurka
- Mazzini, Joseph
- Mead
- Meade, George Gordon
- Meander
- Meath
- Meaux
- Mecca
- Mechanical Powers
- Mechanics' Institutes
- Mecklenburg-Schwerin
- Medea
- Media
- Mediævalism
- Medical Jurisprudence or Forensic Medicine
- Medici
- Medicine-Man
- Medina
- Mediterranean Sea
- Medium
- Medjidie
- Médoc
- Medusa
- Medway
- Meeanee
- Meerschaum
- Meerut
- Megaris
- Megatherium
- Mehemet Ali
- Meissen
- Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest
- Meister, Wilhelm
- Meistersängers
- Mekhong
- Melanchthon, Philip
- Melanesia
- Melba, Nellie
- Melbourne
- Melbourne, William Lamb, Viscount
- Melchizedek
- Meleager
- Meliorism
- Melodrama
- Melpomenë
- Melrose
- Melton-Mowbray
- Melusina
- Melville, Andrew
- Melville, Whyte-
- Memel
- Memnon
- Memphis
- Memphis
- Menado
- Menai Strait
- Menander
- Mencius
- Mendicant Order
- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix
- Mendelssohn, Moses
- Mendoza
- Menelaus
- Menhir
- Meninges
- Mennonites
- Menschikoff, Alexander Danilovitch
- Menschikoff, Alexander Sergeievitch
- Menteith, Lake of
- Menthol
- Mentone
- Mentor
- Menzel, Adolf
- Menzel, Wolfgang
- Mephistopheles
- Mercator
- Mercenaries
- Mercia
- Mercury
- Mercury
- Mer-de-glace
- Meredith, George
- Meredith, Owen
- Mergui
- Meridian
- Mèrimèe, Prosper
- Merio`neth
- Merivale, Charles
- Merle d'Aubigné, Jean-Henri
- Merlin
- Mermaids
- Merovingians
- Merrilees, Meg
- Merry Monarch
- Mersey
- Merthyr-Tydvil
- Merv
- Meryon, Charles
- Mesmer, Friedrich Anton
- Mesmerism
- Mesopotamia
- Messenia
- Messiah
- Messina
- Messina, Strait of
- Messuage
- Metabolism
- Metamorphosis
- Metaphysics
- Metastasio
- Meteors
- Methodists
- Methylated Spirit
- Metis
- Mètre
- Metternich, Clement, Prince von
- Metz
- Meung, Jean de
- Meuse
- Mexico
- Mexico, Gulf Of
- Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand
- Meyerbeer
- Mezzofanti, Giuseppe
- Mezzotint
- Miall, Edward
- Micah
- Micawber
- Michael
- Michael
- Michael Angelo Buonarotti
- Michaelis, Johann David
- Michaelmas
- Michel, Francesque
- Michelet, Jules
- Michigan
- Michigan, Lake
- Mickiewicz, Adam
- Mickle, William Julius
- Microbe
- Microcosm
- Microphone
- Microzyme
- Midas
- Middle Ages
- Middle English
- Middle Passage
- Middlesbrough
- Middlesex
- Middleton, Conyers
- Middleton, Thomas
- Midgard
- Midianites
- Midrash
- Mights and Rights
- Migne, the Abbé
- Mignet, François August
- Mignon
- Miguel, Don
- Mikado
- Miklosich, Franz von
- Milan
- Milan Decree
- Miletus
- Military Orders
- Militia
- Milky Way
- Mill, James
- Mill, John Stuart
- Millais, Sir John Everett
- Millbank Prison
- Miller, Hugh
- Miller, William
- Millet, Jean François
- Milman, Henry Hart
- Milne-Edwards, Henri
- Milner, Viscount
- Milner, Joseph
- Milo
- Miltiades
- Milton, John
- Milwaükee
- Mimes
- Mimir
- Minarets
- Minerva
- Minerva Press
- Minghetti, Marco
- Minims
- Minneapolis
- Minnesingers
- Minnesota
- Minorca
- Minos
- Minotaur
- Minstrels
- Minto, Earl of
- Mirabeau, Gabriel Honoré Riquetti, Comte de
- Mirabeau, Victor Riquetti, Marquis de
- Miracle Plays
- Miranda
- Miranda, Francesco de
- Miserere
- Mishna
- Misprision
- Missal
- Mississippi
- Mississippi River
- Mississippi Scheme
- Missolonghi
- Missouri
- Mistral, Frederick
- Mitford, Mary Russell
- Mitford, William
- Mithras
- Mithridates the Great
- Mitrailleuse
- Mivart, St. George
- Mnemosynë
- Moa
- Moab
- Moabite Stone
- Mobile
- Mobilier Crédit
- Modena
- Modern Athens
- Modern Babylon
- Modjeska, Helena
- Modred, Sir
- Moffat, Robert
- Mohammed
- Mohammedanism
- Mohawk
- Mohic`ans
- Mohl, Julius
- Möhler, Johann Adam
- Moir, David Macbeth
- Moira, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Earl of
- Mokanna, Al
- Moldau
- Moldavia
- Molé, Louis Matthieu, Comte
- Molecule
- Molesworth, Sir William
- Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin
- Molina, Luis
- Molinos, Miguel de
- Mollah
- Mollwitz
- Moloch
- Moltke, Count von
- Moluccas
- Mombasa
- Mommsen, Theodor
- Momus
- Monachism
- Monaco
- Monad
- Monaghan
- Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord
- Moncreiff, Sir Henry Wellwood
- Moncreiff, James W., Lord
- Moncreiff, Sir Henry W.
- Moncreiff, James
- Mond, Ludwig
- Money
- Monge, Gaspard
- Mongols
- Monica, St.
- Monism
- Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle
- Monmouth, Geoffrey
- Monmouth, James, Duke of
- Monmouthshire
- Monophysites
- Monotheism
- Monothelism
- Monro, Alexander
- Monroe, James
- Monroe Doctrine
- Monson, Sir Edward
- Monsoon
- Monstrance
- Mont Blanc
- Mont Cenis
- Mont de Piété
- Montagnards
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
- Montaigne, Michel de
- Montalembert, Comte de
- Montana
- Montanism
- Montcalm de Saint Véran, Louis Joseph, Marquis de
- Monte Carlo
- Montefiore, Sir Moses
- Montégut, Émile
- Montenegro
- Montespan, Marquise de
- Montesquieu, Baron de
- Montevideo
- Montez, Lola
- Montezuma II.
- Montfort, Simon de
- Montgolfier Brothers
- Montgomerie, Alexander
- Montgomery, Comte de
- Montgomery, James
- Montgomery, Robert
- Montgomeryshire
- Montholon, Comte de
- Montmorency, Anne, Duc de
- Montmorency, Henri, second Duc of
- Montpelier
- Montpellier
- Montreal
- Montrose
- Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of
- Montyon Prizes
- Moody, Dwight Lyman
- Moon
- Moon, Mountains of the
- Moonshee
- Moore, Frank Frankfort
- Moore, John, M.D.
- Moore, Sir John
- Moore, Thomas
- Moors
- Moraines
- Moralities
- Moravia
- Moravians
- Moray, James Stuart, Earl of
- More, Hannah
- More, Henry
- More, Sir Thomas
- Morea
- Moreau, Jean Victor
- Morganatic Marriage
- Morgarten
- Morghen, Raphael Sanzio Cavaliere
- Morgue
- Morisonianism
- Morley, John
- Mormon, Book of
- Mormonism
- Morny, Duc de
- Morocco
- Morocco
- Morpheus
- Morris-dance
- Morris, Sir Lewis
- Morris, William
- Morrison, Robert
- Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
- Mortgage
- Morton, James Douglas, Earl of
- Mosaylima
- Moschus
- Moscow
- Moselle
- Moses
- Mosheim
- Moss-troopers
- Motherwell, William
- Motley, John Lothrop
- Motor Car
- Mountain, The
- Movable Feasts
- Mozambique
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Chrysostom
- Mucklebackit, Saunders
- Mucklewrath
- Mucous Membrane
- Muezzin
- Mufti
- Mufti, The Grand
- Muggleton
- Muir, John
- Muir, Sir William
- Mukden
- Mull
- Müller, George
- Müller, Johannes
- Müller, Johannes von
- Müller, Julius
- Müller, Karl Otfried
- Mulock, Dinah Maria
- Mulready, William
- Multan
- Münchhausen, Baron von
- Münich
- Münster
- Münzer, Thomas
- Murat, Joachim
- Muratori, Ludovico Antonio
- Muravieff, Count
- Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
- Murdoch, William
- Mure, Colonel
- Mürger, Henri
- Murillo
- Murray, John
- Murray, Lindley
- Murray, William
- Murray River
- Musæus, John August
- Muscat
- Muses, The
- Muspelheim
- Musselburgh
- Musset, Alfred de
- Mutsu Hito
- Muzaffer-ed-Din
- Mycenæ
- Myrmidons
- Mysore
- Mystagogue
- Mysteries
- Mysticism