Words / 1907 Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge / P
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- Pache, Jean
- Pachomius, St.
- Pachydermata
- Pacific Ocean
- Packhard
- Pactolus
- Pacuvius
- Padang
- Paderewski, Ignace Jan
- Padilla, Juan Lopez de
- Padishah
- Padua
- Pæstum
- Pagan, Isabel
- Paganini, Nicolo
- Paganism
- Pagoda
- Pahlevi
- Paine, Thomas
- Painter, William
- Paisiello, Giovanni
- Paisley
- Palacky, Francis
- Paladin
- Palæography
- Palæologus
- Palæontology
- Palafox, Don Joseph
- Palais Royal
- Palamedes
- Palanquin
- Palatinate
- Palatine
- Palatine Count
- Palatine Counties
- Pale, The
- Palenque
- Palermo
- Pales
- Palestine
- Palestrina
- Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi de
- Paley, Frederick Althorp
- Paley, William
- Palgrave, Sir Francis
- Palgrave, Francis Turner
- Palgrave, William Gifford
- Pâli
- Palimpsest
- Palingenesia
- Palinurus
- Palissy, Bernard
- Palk's Strait
- Palladio, Andrea
- Palladium
- Palladius, St.
- Pallas
- Pallas, Peter Simon
- Pallavicino, Ferrante
- Pallavicino, Sforza
- Pallice, La
- Palm, Johann Philipp
- Palm Sunday
- Palma
- Palma, Jacopo
- Palma, Jacopo
- Palmer
- Palmer, Edward Henry
- Palmer, Samuel
- Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount
- Palmistry
- Palmy`ra
- Palo Alto
- Paludan-Müller, Frederick
- Pamela
- Pamirs, The
- Pampas
- Pampeluna
- Pan
- Panama
- Panama Canal
- Panathenæa
- Panchatantra
- Pancras, St.
- Pandects
- Pandora
- Pandours
- Pandulf, Cardinal
- Pange Lingua
- Pánini
- Panipat
- Panizzi, Antonio
- Pannonia
- Panopticon
- Panslavism
- Pantagruel
- Pantheism
- Pantheon
- Pantograph
- Panurge
- Panza, Sancho
- Paoli, Pasquale de
- Papal States
- Paphos
- Papias
- Papier-Mâche
- Papin, Denis
- Papinianus, Æmilius
- Papirius
- Pappenheim, Count von
- Pappus of Alexandria
- Papuans
- Papy`rus
- Pará
- Parable
- Parabola
- Paracelsus
- Paraffin
- Paraguay
- Paraguay River
- Paraklete
- Parallax
- Paramar`ibo
- Paramo
- Paraná River
- Parcæ
- Parchment
- Parcs-aux-Cerfs
- Paré, Ambroise
- Pariah
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris, Matthew
- Park, Mungo
- Parker, John Henry
- Parker, Joseph
- Parker, Matthew
- Parker, Theodore
- Parkman, Francis
- Parlement
- Parliament
- Parliament, The Long
- Parliament of Dunces
- Parliamentarian
- Parma
- Parmenion
- Parmenides
- Parmigiano
- Parnassus
- Parnell, Charles Stuart
- Parnell, Thomas
- Paros
- Parr, Catherine
- Parr, Samuel
- Parr, Thomas
- Parramatta
- Parrhasius
- Parry, Sir William Edward
- Parsees
- Parsifal
- Parson Adams
- Parsons, Robert
- Parthenogenesis
- Parthenon
- Parthenope
- Parthia
- Partick
- Partington, Mrs.
- Pascal, Blaise
- Pas-de-Calais
- Pasha
- Pasiphaë
- Paskievitch
- Pasquino
- Passau
- Passing-bell
- Passion Play
- Passion Sunday
- Passion Week
- Passionists
- Passover
- Passow, Franz
- Pasta, Judith
- Pasteur, Louis
- Paston Letters
- Pastoral Staff
- Patagonia
- Patanjali
- Patchouli
- Pater, Walter Horatio
- Paterculus, Marcus Velleius
- Paterson, Robert
- Paterson, William
- Pathos
- Patlock, Robert
- Patmore, Coventry
- Patmos
- Patna
- Patois
- Paton, John Gibson
- Paton Sir Joseph Noel
- Patras
- Patriarch
- Patricians and Plebeians
- Patrick, Order of St.
- Patrick, St.
- Patrick, Simon
- Patristic Literature
- Patroclus
- Patteson, John Coleridge
- Patti, Adelina
- Pattison, Mark
- Pattison's Process
- Pau
- Pauillac
- Paul
- Paul, St.
- Paul I.
- Paul and Virginia
- Paul Samosata
- Paulding
- Pauli, Reinhold
- Paulicians
- Pauline
- Paulinus
- Paulus, Heinrich
- Pausanias
- Pausanias
- Pavia
- Paxton, Sir Joseph
- Payn, James
- Payne, John
- Peabody, George
- Peace Society
- Peacock, Thomas Love
- Pearson, John
- Peasant War
- Pechili, Gulf of
- Pecksniff
- Pecock, Reginald
- Pedro I.
- Pedro II.
- Peebles, Peter
- Peeblesshire
- Peel
- Peel, Sir Robert
- Peel Towers
- Peele, George
- Peeping Tom of Coventry
- Peers, The Twelve
- Pegasus
- Pegu
- Pei-ho
- Peirce, Benjamin
- Peishwah
- Pekin
- Pelagius
- Pelasgi
- Peleus
- Pelew Islands
- Pelham
- Pelias
- Pelican
- Pelides
- Pelion
- Pelissier
- Pella
- Pellegrini, Carlo
- Pellico, Silvio
- Pellisson, Paul
- Pelopidas
- Peloponnesian War
- Peloponnesus
- Pelops
- Pembrokeshire
- Pemmican
- Penance
- Penang
- Penates
- Penda
- Pendennis
- Pendleton
- Pendragon
- Penelope
- Peninsular State
- Peninsular War
- Penitential Psalms
- Penitents, Order Of
- Penn, William
- Pennant, Thomas
- Pennsylvania
- Penny
- Penny Wedding
- Penrith
- Penryn
- Penseroso, II
- Pensionary, the Grand
- Pentacle
- Pentagram
- Pentamerone
- Pentateuch
- Pentecost
- Pentelicus
- Penthesilea
- Pentheus
- Penthièvre, Duc de
- Pentland Firth
- Pentonville
- Penumbra
- Penzance
- People's Palace
- Pepin the Short
- Pepsin
- Pepys, Samuel
- Pera
- Peræa
- Perceval
- Perceval, Spencer
- Percival, James Gates
- Percy
- Percy, Thomas
- Perdiccas
- Pereira, Jonathan
- Perekop, Isthmus of
- Perez, Antonio
- Perfectionism
- Perfectionists
- Pergamos
- Pergamos
- Peri
- Periander
- Pericles
- Périer, Casimir
- Perigee
- Périgord
- Périgueux
- Perihelion
- Perim
- Peripatetic Philosophy
- Pernambuco
- Peronella
- Perowne, Stewart
- Perpignan
- Perrault, Charles
- Persecutions of the Church
- Persephone
- Persepolis
- Perseus
- Persia
- Persian Gulf
- Persian Wars
- Persians
- Persians, The
- Persiflage
- Persigny, Fialin, Duc de
- Persius
- Persius
- Perth
- Perth
- Perthshire
- Pertinax, Helvius
- Perturbations
- Peru
- Perugia
- Perugino
- Peschiera
- Peshawar
- Peshito
- Pessimism
- Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich
- Pesth
- Petalism
- Petard
- Petasus
- Petchora
- Peter, the Apostle
- Peter, the First Epistle of
- Peter, the Second Epistle Of
- Peter, the Wild Boy
- Peter Martyr
- Peter the Great
- Peter the Hermit
- Peterborough
- Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of
- Peterhead
- Peterhof
- Peterloo
- Peter's, St.
- Peter's Pence
- Peterwardein
- Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme
- Petite Nature
- Petition of Right
- Petöfi, Sandor
- Petra
- Petrarch, Francesco
- Petri, Laurentius
- Petrie, Flinders
- Petrie, George
- Petroleum
- Pétroleuse
- Petronius
- Pettie, John
- Petty, Sir William
- Petty Jury
- Petty Officers
- Petty Sessions
- Peutinger, Conrad
- Pfäfers
- Pfahlbauten
- Pfalz
- Pfeiffer, Ida
- Pffleiderer, Otto
- Pforzheim
- Phædrus
- Phaëthon
- Phalanstery
- Phalanx
- Phalaris
- Phallus
- Pharamond
- Pharaoh
- Pharisees
- Pharos
- Pharsalia
- Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart
- Phelps, Samuel
- Pherecydes
- Phidias
- Philadelphia
- Philador, François André
- Philæ
- Philatory
- Philemon, Epistle to
- Philemon and Baucis
- Philip
- Philip of Macedon
- Philip II.
- Philip IV.
- Philip VI.
- Philip II.
- Philip V.
- Philip the Bold
- Philip the Good
- Philiphaugh
- Philippi
- Philippians, Epistle to the
- Philippic
- Philippine Islands
- Philips, Ambrose
- Philips, John
- Philips, Katherine
- Philistine
- Philistines
- Phillip, John
- Phillips, Wendell
- Philo Judæus
- Philocretes
- Philomela
- Philopœmon
- Philosophe
- Philosopher's Stone
- Philosophism, French
- Philosophy
- Philoxenus
- Philpotts, Henry
- Philtre
- Phiz
- Phlegethon
- Phlogiston
- Phocas
- Phocion
- Phocis
- Phœbus
- Phœnicia
- Phœnix
- Phœnix Park
- Phonograph
- Photius
- Photogravure
- Photosphere
- Phototype
- Phrenology
- Phrygia
- Phrygian Cap
- Phryné
- Phtah
- Phylacteries
- Physiocratic School
- Piacenza
- Pia-mater
- Piarists
- Piazzi
- Pibroch
- Picador
- Picardy
- Piccolomini
- Pichegru, Charles
- Pickwick, Samuel
- Pico
- Pico della Miran`dolo
- Picquart, Colonel
- Picton, Sir Thomas
- Picts
- Picts' Houses
- Pied Piper of Hamelin
- Piedmont
- Pierce, Franklin
- Pieria
- Pierides
- Piers Plowman, Vision of
- Pietà
- Pietermaritzburg
- Pietists
- Pietra Dura
- Pigeon English
- Pig-Philosophy
- Pigwiggin
- Pilate, Pontius
- Pilatus, Mount
- Pilcomayo
- Pilgrimage of Grace
- Pilgrim Fathers
- Pillar-Saints
- Pillars of Hercules
- Pillory
- Piloty, Karl von
- Pilsen
- Pindar
- Pindar, Peter
- Pindarees
- Pindus, Mount
- Pineal Gland
- Pinel, Philippe
- Pinero, Arthur Wing
- Pinerolo
- Pinkerton, John
- Pinkie
- Pinto, Mendez
- Pinturicchio
- Pinzen
- Piozzi, Hester
- Pipe of Peace
- Piræus
- Pirano
- Pirithous
- Pirke Aboth
- Pirna
- Pisa
- Pisano, Nicola
- Pisgah
- Pishin
- Pisidia
- Pisistratus
- Pistoia
- Pistol, Ancient
- Pistole
- Pit`aka`
- Pitaval
- Pitcairn Island
- Pitcairne, Archibald
- Pithom
- Pitman, Sir Isaac
- Pitrè, Giuseppe
- Pitris
- Pitacottie, Robert Lindsay of
- Pitt, William
- Pitt, William
- Pitt Diamond
- Pittacus
- Pittsburg
- Pityriasis
- Pius
- Pix
- Pixies
- Pizarro, Francisco
- Plague, The
- Plain, The
- Planché, James Robinson
- Planetoids
- Planets
- Plantagenets
- Plantin, Christophe
- Plassey
- Plaster of Paris
- Platæa
- Plato
- Platoff, Matvei Ivanovich, Count
- Platonic Love
- Platonic Year
- Platt-Deutsch
- Platte
- Platten-See
- Plauen
- Plautus
- Playfair, John
- Pleiades
- Pleiades, The
- Plenist
- Plesiosaurus
- Pleura
- Pleura-pneumonia
- Plevna
- Pleydell, Mr. Paulus
- Plimsoll, Samuel
- Plinlimmon
- Pliny, the Elder
- Pliny, the Younger
- Plotinus
- Plugston of Undershot
- Plumptre, Edward Hayes
- Plunket, Lord
- Plutarch
- Pluto
- Plutonic Theory
- Plutus
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Brethren
- Pneumonia
- Po
- Pocahontas
- Pocket Borough
- Pocock, Edward
- Pococke, Richard
- Podesta
- Podiebrad, George
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Poerio, Carlo
- Poet Laureate
- Poetical Justice
- Poetry
- Poet's Corner
- Poggendorf, Johann Christian
- Poggio, Bracciolini
- Point de Galle
- Poisson, Simeon-Denis
- Poitiers
- Poitou
- Pola
- Poland
- Polders
- Pole
- Pole, Reginald
- Pole-star
- Polignac, Duc de
- Polignac, Prince de
- Politian, Angelo
- Political Economy
- Poliziano
- Polk, James Knox
- Pollio, Caius Asinius
- Pollock, Sir Edward
- Pollock, Sir George
- Pollok, Robert
- Pollux
- Polo
- Polo, Marco
- Polyandry
- Polybius
- Polycarp
- Polycrates
- Polygnotus
- Polyhymnia
- Polynesia
- Polyphemus
- Polytechnic School
- Polytheism
- Pombal, Marquis de
- Pomerania
- Pomona
- Pomona
- Pompadour, Marquise de
- Pompeii
- Pompey, Cneius
- Pompey's Pillar
- Ponce de Leon
- Poncho
- Pondicherry
- Pondos
- Poniatowski, Prince Joseph
- Pons Asinorum
- Ponsonby, Sir Frederick Cavendish
- Pontefract
- Pontifex Maximus
- Pontifical
- Pontine Marshes
- Pontus
- Poole
- Poole, Matthew
- Poona
- Poor Richard
- Pope
- Pope, Alexander
- Popish Plot
- Porch, The
- Porcupine, Peter
- Porphyry
- Porsena
- Porson, Richard
- Port Arthur
- Port Darwin
- Port Elizabeth
- Port Glasgow
- Port Louis
- Port Royal
- Port-au-Prince
- Portcullis
- Porte, Sublime
- Porteous Mob
- Porter, Jane
- Porter, Noah
- Porteus, Beilby
- Portia
- Portland
- Portland, Isle of
- Portland Vase
- Porto Rico
- Portobello
- Portsmouth
- Portsmouth
- Portugal
- Poseidon
- Posen
- Posidonius
- Positivism
- Posse Comitatus
- Post Restante
- Potemkin
- Potomac River
- Potosi
- Potsdam
- Pott, August Friedrich
- Potter, John
- Potter, Paul
- Potteries, The
- Pot-wallopers
- Pourparler
- Poussin, Nicolas
- Powell, Baden
- Powell, Major
- Powers, Hiram
- Poynings's Law
- Poynter, Edward John
- Pozzo di Borgo, Count
- Pozzuoli
- P. P., Clerk of this Parish
- Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
- Prætor
- Prætorian Guard
- Pragmatic Sanction
- Prague
- Prairie
- Prakrit
- Pratique
- Praxiteles
- Praying-Wheels
- Pre-Adamites
- Precession of the Equinoxes
- Précieuses Ridicules
- Predestination
- Predicables
- Pregel
- Prejevalski, Nicholas
- Pre-Raphaelitism
- Presburg
- Presbyopia
- Presbyterianism
- Prescott, William Hickling
- Present Time
- President of the United States
- Press-Gang
- Pressensé, Edmond de
- Prester, John
- Preston
- Pretenders, The
- Pretoria
- Prévost d'Exiles, Antoine François
- Prévost-Paradol, Lucien Anatole
- Priam
- Priapus
- Price, Richard
- Prichard, James Cowles
- Prideaux, Humphrey
- Pride's Purge
- Priessnitz
- Priest
- Priestley, Joseph
- Prim, Juan
- Primrose
- Primrose League
- Prince Edward Island
- Prince of Peace
- Princeton
- Pringle, Thomas
- Printed Paper
- Prinzenraub
- Prior, Matthew
- Priscian
- Priscillian
- Prismatic colours
- Prisoner of Chillon
- Privateer
- Privy Council
- Privy Seal
- Probus, Marcus Aurelius
- Proclus
- Proconsul
- Procop
- Procopius
- Procrustes
- Procter, Bryan Walter
- Proctor, Richard Antony
- Procurator-Fiscal
- Progne
- Progress of the Species Magazines
- Prohibitionist
- Proletariat
- Prometheus
- Propaganda
- Propertius, Sextus
- Prophecy
- Prophets
- Proselytes
- Proserpina
- Prospero
- Protagoras
- Protection
- Protestantism
- Protestants
- Proteus
- Protogenes
- Protoplasm
- Proudhon, Pierre Joseph
- Prout, Samuel
- Prout, Father
- Provençal Language
- Provence
- Proverbs, Book Of
- Providence
- Prudentius, Marcus Aurelius Clemens
- Prussia
- Prynne, William
- Prytane`um
- Psalmanazar, George
- Psalms, The Book of
- Psyche
- Psychical Research, Society for
- Ptolemaic System
- Ptolemaïs
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemæus)
- Publicans
- Puccinotti, Francesco
- Pucelle La
- Puck
- Puebla
- Puerto de Santa Maria
- Puerto Plata
- Puerto Principe
- Puffendorf, Samuel
- Pugin, Augustus Welby
- Pulci, Luini
- Pulque
- Pulteney, William
- Pultowa
- Pultusk
- Pulu
- Punch
- Pundit
- Punic Faith
- Punic Wars
- Punjab
- Puránas
- Purbeck, Isle of
- Purcell, Henry
- Purchas, Samuel
- Purgatorio
- Purgatory
- Purim, the Feast of
- Puritan City
- Puritans
- Pursuivant
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie
- Puseyism
- Pushkin
- Pushtoo
- Puteaux
- Putney
- Puy, Le
- Puy-du-Dôme
- Pygmalion
- Pygmies
- Pym, John
- Pyramids
- Pyramus and Thisbe
- Pyrene
- Pyrenees
- Pyroxyline
- Pyrrha
- Pyrrhic Dance
- Pyrrho
- Pyrrhonism
- Pyrrhus
- Pyrrhus
- Pythagoras
- Pythagoreans
- Pytheas
- Pythian Games
- Python
- Pythoness
- Pyx