Words / 1907 Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge / R
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- Raab
- Raasay
- Rabant de St. Étienne
- Rabat
- Rabbi
- Rabbism
- Rabelais, François
- Races of Mankind
- Rachel, Eliza
- Racine
- Racine, Jean
- Rack
- Radcliffe
- Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann
- Radcliffe, John
- Radetzky, Johann, Count von
- Radicals
- Radnorshire
- Radowitz, Joseph von
- Rae, John
- Raeburn, Sir Henry
- Raff, Joachim
- Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford
- Rafn, Karl Christian
- Ragged Schools
- Raglan, Fitzroy Somerset, Lord
- Ragman Roll
- Ragnarök
- Ragusa
- Rahel
- Raikes, Robert
- Railway King
- Rainy, Robert
- Rajah
- Rajmahal
- Rajon, Paul Adolphe
- Rajput
- Rajputana
- Rakoczy March
- Rakshasas
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Ralston, William Shedden
- Râma
- Ramadan
- Râmâyana
- Rambler
- Rambouillet, Marquise de
- Rameau, Jean Philippe
- Rameses
- Ramillies
- Rammohun Roy
- Ramsay, Allan
- Ramsay, Allan
- Ramsay, Edward Bannerman
- Ramsbottom
- Ramsden, Jesse
- Ramsey
- Ramsgate
- Ramus, Peter
- Ranavalona III.
- Ranching
- Randall, James Ryder
- Randolph, John
- Randolph, Sir Thomas
- Randolph, Thomas
- Ranee
- Ranelagh
- Rangoon
- Ranjit Singh
- Ranjitsinhji
- Ranke, Leopold von
- Rankine, W. J. Macquorn
- Rannoch
- Ranters
- Ranz des Vaches
- Rape of the Lock
- Raphael
- Raphael, Santi
- Rapin de Thoyras
- Rapp, George
- Rapp, Jean
- Rappahannock
- Rashi
- Rask, Rasmus Christian
- Raskolink
- Raspail, François Vincent
- Rassam, Hormuzd
- Rasselas
- Rastatt
- Rataña
- Rathlin
- Ratich, Wolfgang
- Rational Horizon
- Rationalism, Modern
- Ratisbo
- Rattazzi, Urbano
- Rauch, Christian
- Rauhes Haus
- Raumer, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von
- Ravaillac, François
- Ravana
- Ravenna
- Ravenna, Exarch of
- Ravenscroft, Thomas
- Ravenswood
- Ravignan, Gustave Delacroix de
- Rawal Pindi
- Rawlinson, George
- Rawlinson, Sir Henry
- Ray, John
- Rayleigh, Lord
- Raymond
- Raynal, the Abbé
- Raynouard, François
- Ré, Isle of
- Reade, Charles
- Reading
- Reading
- Real
- Real
- Real Presence
- Realism
- Realm, Estates of the
- Real-schule
- Reason
- Reason
- Reason, Goddess of
- Réaumur
- Rebecca the Jewess
- Rebeccaites
- Rebellion
- Récamir, Madame
- Recanati
- Recension
- Rechabites
- Recidivists
- Reciprocity
- Reclus, Elisée
- Recorde, Robert
- Recorder
- Rector
- Recusants
- Red Cross Knight
- Red Cross Society
- Red Republicans
- Red River
- Red River of the North
- Red Sea
- Redan
- Redditch
- Redemptionists
- Redesdale
- Redeswire, Raid of the
- Redgauntlet
- Redgrave, Richard
- Reding, Aloys von
- Redoubt Kali
- Redruth
- Red-tape
- Rees, Abraham
- Reeve
- Reeve, Clara
- Reeves, John Sims
- Referendum
- Reform
- Reformation
- Reformation, Morning Star of the
- Reformatories
- Reformed Church
- Refraction
- Regalia
- Regeneration, the
- Regeneration, Baptismal
- Regensburg
- Reggio
- Regicides
- Regillus, Lake
- Regina, St.
- Regiomontanus
- Registrar-General
- Regium Donum
- Regnard, Jean François
- Regnault, Henri
- Regnault, Henri Victor
- Regnier, Mathurin
- Regulars
- Regulus
- Regulus, St.
- Rehan, Ada
- Rehoboam
- Reich, The
- Reichenbach, Karl, Baron von
- Reichenberg
- Reichenhall
- Reichsrath
- Reichstadt, Duke of
- Reichstag
- Reid, Sir George
- Reid, Right Hon. G. H.
- Reid, Captain Mayne
- Reid, Thomas
- Reid, Sir Wemyss
- Reid, Sir William
- Reigate
- Reign of a Hundred Days
- Reign of Terror
- Reimarus
- Reis Effendi
- Reiters
- Relativity of Knowledge
- Relief
- Religio Medici
- Religion
- Religious Tract Society
- Reliquary
- Rembrandt
- Remigius, St.
- Remington, Philo
- Remonstrance, The
- Remonstrants
- Remus
- Rémusat, Abel
- Rémusat, Charles, Comte de
- Renaissance
- Renaix
- Renan, Ernest
- Rendsburg
- René I.
- Renfrew
- Renfrewshire
- Rennell, James
- Rennes
- Rennie, John
- Rente
- Renton
- Renwick, James
- Repealer
- Replica
- Repoussé
- Repton
- Republic
- Republicans, The
- Requiem
- Reredos
- Resina
- Responsions
- Ressaidar
- Restoration, The
- Restorationists
- Resurrectionist
- Retford, East
- Retina
- Retributive Justice
- Retz, Cardinal de
- Retz, Gilles de
- Retzch, Moritz
- Reuchlin, Johann
- Reunion
- Reuss
- Reuter, Fritz
- Reuter, Baron Paul Julius
- Reutlingen
- Revel
- Revelation
- Revelation, Book of
- Revels, Master of the
- Reverberatory Furnace
- Revere, Paul
- Reverend
- Réville, Albert
- Revival of Letters
- Revival of Religion
- Revolution
- Revue des Deux Mondes
- Reybaud, Marie Roch Louis
- Reykjavik
- Reynard the Fox
- Reynolds, John Fulton
- Reynolds, Sir Joshua
- Rhabdomancy
- Rhadamanthus
- Rhapsodists
- Rhea
- Rhea Silvia
- Rheims
- Rheingau
- Rhenish Prussia
- Rheochord
- Rheometry
- Rhesus
- Rhetoric
- Rhine
- Rhinoplastic Operation
- Rhode Island
- Rhodes
- Rhodes, Cecil
- Rhodesia
- Rhône
- Rhône
- Rhumb Line
- Rhyl
- Rhymer, Thomas the
- Rhys, John
- Ribbonism
- Ribera, Jusepe
- Ricardo, David
- Ricasoli, Baron
- Ricci, Lorenzo
- Ricci, Matteo
- Riccio, David
- Rice, James
- Rich, Edmund
- Richard I.
- Richard II.
- Richard III.
- Richard of Cirencester
- Richards, Alfred Bate
- Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward
- Richardson, Charles
- Richardson, Sir John, M.D.
- Richardson, Samuel
- Richelieu, Armand-Jean Duplessis, Cardinal de
- Richmond
- Richmond, Legh
- Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich
- Richthofen, Baron von
- Ricord, Philippe
- Ridley, Nicolas
- Riehm, Edward
- Rienzi, Cola di
- Riesengebirge
- Rifacimento
- Riff
- Riga
- Rigdum Funnidos
- Rights, Declaration of
- Rigi
- Rigveda
- Rimini
- Rimmon
- Rinaldo
- Rinderpest
- Ring and the Book
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rio Grande
- Rio Grande do Norte
- Rio Grande do Sul
- Rio Negro
- Rioja
- Riom
- Rip Van Winkle
- Ripley
- Ripley, George
- Ripon, Frederick John Robinson, Earl of
- Ripon, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Marquis of
- Rishanger, William
- Rishis
- Ristori, Adelaide
- Ritschl, Albrecht
- Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Ritson, Joseph
- Ritter, Heinrich
- Ritter, Karl
- Ritualism
- Rivarol
- Rive-de-Gier
- Rivers, Richard Woodville, Earl
- Riviera
- Rivière, Briton
- Rivoli
- Rixdollar
- Rizzio, David
- Roanne
- Roanoke
- Roaring Forties
- Rob Roy
- Robben Island
- Robbia, Luca Delia
- Robert I
- Robert II.
- Robert III.
- Robert the Devil
- Roberts, David
- Roberts, Lord
- Robertson, Frederick William
- Robertson, Joseph
- Robertson, Thomas William
- Robertson, William
- Robespierre, Maximilien
- Robin Hood
- Robins, Benjamin
- Robinson, Edward
- Robinson, Henry Crabb
- Robinson, Hercules George Robert, Lord Rosmead
- Robinson, Mary
- Robson, Frederick
- Rochambeau, Comte de
- Rochdale
- Roche, St.
- Rochefort, Comte de
- Rochelle, La
- Rochester
- Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of
- Rochet
- Rock Island
- Rock Temples
- Rockall
- Rock-butter
- Rockford
- Rockhampton
- Rocking Stones
- Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, Marquis of
- Rocky Mountains
- Rococo
- Rocroi
- Rodbertus, Johann Karl
- Roderic
- Roderick Random
- Rodez
- Rodin, Auguste
- Rodney, Lord
- Rodosto
- Rodriguez
- Roe, Edward Payson
- Roebuck, John Arthur
- Roermond
- Roeskilde
- Rogation Days
- Roger I.
- Roger II.
- Roger of Wendover
- Rogers, Henry
- Rogers, James E. Thorwold
- Rogers, John
- Rogers, Samuel
- Roget, Peter Mark
- Rohan, Prince Louis de
- Rohilkhand
- Rohillas
- Rohlfs, F. Gerard
- Rokitansky, Baron
- Roland
- Roland, Madame
- Roland de la Platière, Jean Marie
- Rollin, Charles
- Rollo
- Romagna
- Romaine, William
- Roman Empire, Holy
- Romance Languages
- Romanes, George John
- Romanoff
- Romans
- Romans, Epistle to the
- Romanticism
- Rome
- Romford
- Romilly, Sir Samuel
- Romney, George
- Romney, New
- Romola
- Romsay
- Romulus
- Ronaldshay, North and South
- Roncesvalles
- Ronda
- Rondeau
- Rondo
- Ronsard, Pierre
- Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad von
- Röntgen Rays
- Rooke, Sir George
- Roon, Count von
- Root, George Frederick
- Root and Branch Men
- Ropemaker, The Beautiful
- Rorke's Drift
- Rosa, Carl
- Rosa, Salvator
- Rosamond, Fair
- Rosario
- Rosary
- Rosas, Jean Manuel
- Roscher, Wilhelm
- Roscius, Quintus
- Roscoe, Sir Henry
- Roscoe, William
- Roscommon
- Roscrea
- Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of
- Rosecrans, William Starke
- Rosenkranz, Karl
- Roses, Wars of the
- Rosetta
- Rosicrucians
- Rosinante
- Roslin
- Rosmini, Antonio Rosmini-Serbati
- Ross, Sir John
- Rossano
- Rossbach
- Rosse, William Parsons, third Earl of
- Rossetti, Charles Dante Gabriel
- Rossetti, Christina Georgina
- Rossetti, Gabriele
- Rossi, Pellegrino
- Rossini, Gioacchino
- Rostock
- Rostoff
- Rostopchine, Count
- Rostrum
- Rothe, Richard
- Rotherham
- Rothesay
- Rothschild, Meyer Amschel
- Rotrou, Jean de
- Rotterdam
- Rotti
- Roubaix
- Roubilliac, Louis François
- Rouble
- Rouen
- Rouget de Lisle
- Rouge-et-Noir
- Rouher, Eugène
- Roulers
- Roulette
- Roumania
- Roumelia
- Round Table, The
- Round Towers
- Roundheads
- Rous, Francis
- Rousseau, Jean Baptiste
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques
- Rousseau, Pierre Étienne Théodore
- Roveredo
- Row, John
- Rowe, Nicholas
- Rowlandson, Thomas
- Rowley Regis
- Rowton Heath
- Roxburghshire
- Royal Academy of Arts
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, The
- Royal Society of London
- Royan
- Royer-Collard, Pierre Paul
- Royton
- Ruabon
- Rubens, Peter Paul
- Rubicon
- Rubinstein, Anton
- Rubrics
- Ruby
- Rückert, Friedrich
- Ruddiman, Thomas
- Rudolf I.
- Rudolf II.
- Rudolf Lake
- Rudra
- Rugby
- Ruge, Arnold
- Rügen
- Ruhr
- Rule of Faith
- Rum
- Rumford, Count
- Rump, The
- Runcorn
- Runeberg, Johan Ludwig
- Runes
- Runnimede
- Rupee
- Rupert, Prince
- Rupert's Land
- Rush, Benjamin
- Rushworth, John
- Ruskin, John
- Russell, John, Earl
- Russell, William, Lord
- Russell, William Clark
- Russell, Sir William Howard
- Russell of Killowen, Charles Russell, Lord
- Russia
- Rustchuk
- Rutebeuf
- Ruthenians
- Rutherford, Samuel
- Rutherglen
- Ruthin
- Ruthven, Raid of
- Ruthwell Cross
- Rutland
- Ruysdael, Jacob
- Ruyter, Michael de
- Ryan, Loch
- Rybinsk
- Ryde
- Rye
- Rye House Plot
- Rymer, Thomas
- Rysbrach, Michael
- Ryswick, Peace of