Camusat, Francis Dennis

, grand nephew of the preceding, was born at Besanon, where his father was an advocate, in 1697, and died at Amsterdam in 1732. In this city he was employed in the journals, to relieve the distress he brought upon himself by quitting the post of secretary and librarian to marechal d’Estres, and marrying without any fortune. He left “Hist. Critiques des Journaux qui s’imprimenten France,” 2 vols. 12mo; “Bibliotheque des Livres nouveaux,” of which only 2 vols. have appeared. The first four volumes of the “Bibliotheque Fran9oise,” which consists of 34 vols. 4to; “Melanges de Litterature,” taken from manuscript letters of Chapelain, &c. 12mo. He appears to have been of an unsteady temper, never studying but to relieve his necessities, and shifting from one pursuit to another without completing any. 3


