Camusat, Nicholas
, a French historian, was born at Troyes in 1575. In his eighteenth year he was promoted to a canonry in the cathedral of his native city, but appears to have devoted himself chiefly to the study of history and antiquities. He died Jan. 20, 1655, in the eightieth year of his age, after publishing, 1. “Chronologia ab origine orbis, usque adann. 1200, auctore anonymo, sed ccenobii S. Mariani apud Altissiodorum (Auxerre) regulu? Praemonstratensis inonacho,” with an appendix to the year 1223; Trecis (Troyes) 1608, 4to. 2. “Promptuarium sacrarum antiquitatum Tricassinse dicecesis, &c.” 1610, 8vo, a work of great utility to those who have the curiosity to study the history of ecclesiastical discipline. 3. “Historia Albigensiuoi, &c. auclore Petro, coenobii Vallis-Sarnensis ordinis Cisterciensis in dioecesi Parisiensi monacho,” Trccis, 1618, 8vo. This history, which Camusat first published from the original ms. was translated into French by Arnaud Sorbin, Paris, 1615. 4. “Melanges historiques, ou recueii de plusieurs actes, traits, et lettres missives, depuis Pan 1390 jusqu’a Tan 1580,” ibid. 1619, 8vo, Some of his historical communications are in Duchesne’s collection of French historians, and in other collections. 2