Gomez De Cividad Real, Alvarez

, a Spanish Latin poet, was born in 1488 at Guadalaxara in Spain, and was page of honour to archduke Charles, afterwards emperor. He possessed a great facility in writing Latin verse, which is seen by his “Thalia Christiana,” or the triumph of Jesus Christ, in twenty-five books: 4< Musa Paulina,“or the epistles of St. Paul, in elegiac verse the Proverbs of Solomon, and other works of a similar kind but his poem on the order of the golden fleece, published in 1540, 8vo, entitled” De Principis Burgundi Militia quam Velleris aurei vocant," is perhaps the only one now read, and more suitable to his talents than the preceding, in which he introduced a tasteless mixture of pagan and Christian personages. He died July 14, 1538. 2


Antonio Bibl. Hisp. —Moreri. Hict. Hist.