Gonet, John Baptist

, a learned Dominican, was born at Beziers in 1616. After having gone into the church, and been admitted to the degree of doctor of divinity by the university of Bourdeaux in 1640, he held the professorship of theology in that university till 1671, when he was appointed provincial among the Dominican friars. He died at Beziers in 1681. He was author of a system of divinity, entitled “Clypaeus Theologiae Thomisficae, contra novos ejus impugriatores,” Bourdeaux, 1666, in eighteen volumes, 12mo, afterwards enlarged in five volumes, folio. He was likewise author of a “Manuale Thomistarum, sea brevis Theologiae Cursus,” which has passed through different editions, of which the best was published at Lyons in 1681; and “Dissertatio Theologica de Probabilitate.2


Gen. Dict. —Moreri.