Lambert, Francis

, a French monk, who became a zealous protestant, was born at Avignon in 1487. At the age of fifteen he entered himself among the Franciscan friars, and continued in the comrnunijty twenty years; during which time he acquired celebrity as a preacher, and was made general of the order. Much addicted to reading and reflection, in the course of his investigations he saw reason to renounce the doctrines of the catholic church, and to adopt those of the reformation; but on that account found it necessary to go to Switzerland, where he arrived in 1522. Here he became a popular preacher among the protestants, and having continued some time at Ba,sil, he set out for Wittemberg to visit Luther, in 1523. With that eminent reformer he grew into high esteem, and it was determined he should go to Zurich, to assist in disseminating the principles of the reformation through France; but this scheme was altered for some employment in the university of Wittemberg, where he most probably continued till 1526. In the following year he was appointed divinity-professor at the university of Marpurg, and in 1530 he died, at the age of forty-three. He was author of commentaries on almost all the parts of the Old and New Testament, and of many theological and controversial pieces. 2


Chaufepie.Niceron, vol. XXXIX,