Plater, Felix
, an eminent physician, was born at Basle in 1536, and educated upder his father’s eye, who was likewise an eminent physician, and principal of the college of Basle. From this place he went to Montpellier, where he obtained the degree of doctor in 1556, and on his return to Basle, was admitted ad eundem, and commenced a very successful career of practice. In 15 60 he was appointed professor of medicine, and became the confidential physician of the princes and nobles of the Upper Rhine. | He possessed an extensive knowledge of anatomy, botany, natural history, and other branches of science, and contributed much to the celebrity of his native university, in which he was a teacher upwards of fifty years. He died in July 1614, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. He left the following works: “De Corporis humani structura et usu Libri tres,” Basle, 1583, and 1603, folio; “De Febribus Liber,” Francfort, 1597; “Praxeos Medicae Tomi tres,” Basle, 1602; “Observationum Medicinalium Libri tres,” ibid. 1614, &c.; “Consilia Medica,” Francf. 1615, in the collection of Brendelius; “De Gangraena Epistola,” in the first century of the letters of Hildanus. After his death were published “Qusestionum Medicarum paradoxarum et eudoxarum Centuria posthuma,” Basle, 1625, edited by his brother, Thomas Plater and “Qusestiones Physiologicæ de partium in utero conformatione,” Leyden, 1650. 1