, a learned Jesuit, born at Placentia in 1617. He entered early among the Jesuits; and after having taught mathematics and divinity at Rome, he was sent into Sweden to queen Christina, whom he prevailed on to embrace the popish religion. His writings are as follow:

1. Vacuum Proscriptum.—2. Terra Machinis mota.— 3. Mechanicorum, libri octo.—4. De Igne Dissertationes. —5. De Angelis Disputatio Theolog.—6. Hydrostaticæ Dissertationes.—7. Opticæ Disputationes. It is remarkable that he wrote this treatse on optics at 88 years of age, and after he was blind. He was also author of several books in the Italian language.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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