, relating to, or partaking the property or shape of, the Globe. As Globular chart, Globular projection, or Globular sailing, &c.

Globular Chart, is a representation of the surface<*>| or part of the surface, of the terraqueous Globe upon a plane; in which the parallels of latitude are circles nearly concentric; and the meridians are curves bending towards the poles; the rhumb-lines being curves also.

The merits of this chart consist in these particulars, viz, that the distances between places on the same rhumb are all measured by the same scale of equal parts; and the distance of any two places in the arch of a great circle, is nearly represented in this chart by a straight line.

Land maps also made according to this projection would have great advantages over those made in any other way. But for sea charts for the use of navigation, Mercator's are preferable, as both the meridians and parallels, as also the rhumbs, are all straight lines.

This projection is not new, though not much noticed till of late. It is mentioned by Ptolomy, in his Geography; and also by Blundeville, in his Exercises.

For Globular projection of maps or charts, see Map.

Globular Sailing, is the method of resolving the cases of sailing upon principles deduced from the spherical figure of the earth. Such as Mercator's sailing, or Great-circle sailing; which see.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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