, a plane figure representing the surface of the earth, or some part of it; being a projection of the globular surface of the earth, exhibiting countries, seas, rivers, mountains, cities, &c, in their due positions, or nearly so.

Maps are either Universal or Particular, that is Partial.

Universal Maps are such as exhibit the whole surface of the earth, or the two hemispheres.

Particular, or Partial Maps, are those that exhibit some particular region, or part of the earth.

Both kinds are usually called Geographical, or LandMaps, as distinguished from Hydrographical, or SeaMaps, which represent only the seas and sea coasts, and are properly called Charts.

Anaximander, the scholar of Thales, it is said, about 400 years before Christ, first invented geographical tables, or Maps. The Pentingerian Tables, published by Cornelius Pentinger of Ausburgh, contain an itinerary of the whole Roman Empire; all places, except seas, woods, and desarts, being laid down according to their measured distances, but without any mention of latitude, longitude, or bearing.

The Maps published by Ptolomy of Alexandria, about the 144th year of Christ, have meridians and parallels, the better to desine and determine the situation of places, and are great improvements on the construction of Maps. Though Ptolomy himself owns that his Maps were copied from some that were made by Marinus, Tirus, &c, with the addition of some improvements of his own. But from his time till about the 14th century, during which, geography and most sciences were neglected, no new Maps were published. Mercator was the first of note among the Moderns, and next to him Ortelius, who undertook to make a new set of Maps, with the modern divisions of countries and names of places; for want of which, those of Ptolomy were become almost useless. After Mercator, many others published Maps, but for the most part they were mere copies of his. Towards the middle of the 17th century, Bleau in Holland, and Sanson in France, published new sets of Maps, with many improvements from the travellers of those times, which were afterwards copied, with little variation, by the English, French, and Dutch; the best of these being those of Vischer and De Witt. And later observations have furnished us with still more accurate and copious sets of Maps, by De Lisle, Robert, Wells, &c, &c. Concerning Maps, see Varenius's Geog. lib. 3, cap. 3, prop. 4; Fournier's Hydrog. lib. 4, c. 24; Wolfius's Elem. Hydrog. c. 9; John Newton's Idea of Navigation; Mead's Construction of Globes and Maps; Wright's Constructions of Maps, &c, &c.

Construction of Maps. Maps are constructed by making a projection of the globe, either on the plane of some particular circle, or by the eye placed in some particular point, according to the rules of Perspective, &c; of which there are several methods.

First, to construct a Map of the World, or a general Map.

1st Method.—A map of the world must represent two hemispheres; and they must both be drawn upon the plane of that circle which divides the two hemispheres. The first way is to project each hemisphere upon the plane of some particular circle, by the rules of Orthographic projection, forming two hemispheres, upon one common base or circle. When the plane of projection is that of a meridian, the maps will be the east and west hemispheres, the other meridians will be ellipses, and the parallel circles will be right lines. Upon the plane of the equinoctial, the meridians will be right lines crossing in the centre, which will represent the pole, and the parallels of latitude will be circles having that common centre, and the Maps will be the northern and southern hemispheres. The fault of this way of drawing Maps, is, that near the outside the circles are too near one another; and therefore equal spaces on the earth are represented by very unequal spaces upon the Map.

2d Method.—Another way is to project the same hemispheres by the rules of Stereographic projection; in which way, all the parallels will be represented by circles, and the meridians by circles or right lines. And here the contrary fault happens, viz, the circles towards the outsides are too far asunder, and about the middle they are too near together.

3d Method.—To remedy the faults of the two former methods, proceed as follows. First, for the east and west hemispheres, describe the circle PENQ for the meridian (pl. xvii, fig. 1), or plane of projection; through the centre of which draw the equinoctial EQ, and axis PN perpendicular to it, making P and N the north and south pole. Divide the quadrants PE, EN, NQ, and QP into 9 equal parts, each representing 10 degrees, beginning at the equinoctial EQ: divide also CP and CN into 9 equal parts; beginning at EQ; and through the corresponding points draw the parallels of latitude. Again, divide CE and CQ into 9 equal parts; and through the points of division, and the two poles P and N, draw circles, or rather ellipses, for the meridians. So shall the Map be prepared to receive the several places and countries of the earth.

Secondly, for the north or south hemisphere, draw AQBE, for the equinoctial (fig. 2), dividing it into the four quadrants EA, AQ, QB, and BE; and each quadrant into 9 equal parts, representing each 10 degrees of longitude; and then, from the points of division, draw lines to the centre C, for the circles of longitude. Divide any circle of longitude, as the first meridian EC, into 9 equal parts, and through these points describe circles from the centre C, for the parallels of latitude; numbering them as in the figure.

In this 3d method, equal spaces on the earth are represented by equal spaces on the Map, as near as any projection will bear; for a spherical surface can no way be represented exactly upon a plane. Then the several countries of the world, seas, islands, sea-coasts, towns,| &c, are to be entered in the Map, according to their latitudes and longitudes.

In filling up the Map, all places representing land are silled with such things as the countries contain; but the seas are left white; the shores adjoining to the sea being shaded. Rivers are marked by strong lines, or by double lines, drawn winding in form of the rivers they represent; and small rivers are expressed by small lines. Different countries are best distinguished by different colours, or at least the borders of them. Forests are represented by trees; and mountains shaded to make them appear. Sands are denoted by small points or specks; and rocks under water by a small cross. In any void space, draw the mariner's compass, with the 32 points or winds.

II. To draw a Map of any particular Country.

1st Method.—For this purpose its extent must be known, as to latitude and longitude; as suppose Spain, lying between the north latitudes 36 and 44, and extending from 10 to 23 degrees of longitude; so that its extent from north to south is 8 degrees, and from east to west 13 degrees.

Draw the line AB for a meridian passing through the middle of the country (fig. 3), on which set off 8 degrees from B to A, taken from any convenient scale; A being the north, and B the south point. Through A and B draw the perpendiculars CD, EF, for the extreme parallels of latitude. Divide AB into 8 parts, or degrees, through which draw the other parallels of latitude, parallel to the former.

For the meridians; divide any degree in AB into 60 equal parts, or geographical miles. Then, because the length of a degree in each parallel decreases towards the pole, from the table shewing this decrease, under the article Degree, take the number of miles answering to the latitude of B, which is 48 1/2 nearly, and set it from B, 7 times to E, and 6 times to F; so is EF divided into degrees. Again, from the same table take the number of miles of a degree in the latitude A, viz 43 1/6 nearly; which set off, from A, 7 times to C, and 6 times to D. Then from the points of division in the line CD, to the corresponding points in the line EF, draw so many right lines, for the meridians. Number the degrees of latitude up both sides of the Map, and the degrees of longitude on the top and bottom. Also, in some vacant place make a scale of miles; or of degrees, if the Map represent a large part of the earth; to serve for finding the distances of places upon the Map.

Then make the proper divisions and subdivisions of the country: and having the latitudes and longitudes of the principal places, it will be easy to set them down in the Map: for any town, &c, must be placed where the circles of its latitude and longitude intersect. For instance, Gibraltar, whose latitude is 36° 11′, and longitude 12° 27′, will be at G: and Madrid, whose lat. is 40° 10′, and long. 14° 44′, will be at M. In like manner the mouth of a river must be set down; but to describe the whole river, the latitude and longitude of every turning must be marked down, and the towns and bridges by which it passes. And so for woods, forests, mountains, lakes, castles, &c. The boundaries will be described, by setting down the re- markable places on the sea-coast, and drawing a continued line through them all. And this way is very proper for small countries.

2d Method.—Maps of particular places are but portions of the globe, and therefore may be drawn after the same manner as the whole is drawn. That is, such a Map may be drawn either by the orthographic or stereographic projection of the sphere, as in the last prob. But in partial Maps, an easier way is as follows. Having drawn the meridian AB (fig. 3), and divided it into equal parts as in the last method, through all the points of division draw lines perpendicular to AB, for the parallels of latitude; CD, EF being the extreme parallel. Then to divide these, set off the degrees in each parallel, diminished after the manner directed for the two extreme parallels CD, EF, in the last method: and through all the corresponding points draw the meridians, which will be curve lines; which were right lines in the last method; because only the extreme parallels were divided by the table. This method is proper for a large tract, as Europe, &c: in which case the parallels and meridians need only be drawn to every 5 or 10 degrees. This method is much used in drawing Maps; as all the parts are nearly of their due magnitude, but a little distorted towards the outside, from the oblique intersections of the meridians and parallels.

3d Method.—Draw PB of a convenient length, for a meridian; divide it into 9 equal parts, and through the points of division, describe as many circles for the parallels of latitude, from the centre P, which reprefents the pole. Suppose AB (fig. 4) the height of the Map; then CD will be the parallel passing through the greatest latitude, and EF will represent the equator. Divide the equator EF into equal parts, of the same size as those in AB, both ways, beginning at B. Divide also all the parallels into the same number of equal parts, but lesser, in proportion to the numbers for the several latitudes, as directed in the last method for the rectilineal parallels. Then through all the corresponding divisions, draw curve lines, which will represent the meridians, the extreme ones being EC and FD. Lastly, number the degrees of latitude and longitude, and place a scale of equal parts, either of miles or degrees, for measuring distances.—This is a very good way of drawing large Maps, and is called the globular projection; all the parts of the earth being represented nearly of their due magnitude, excepting that they are a little distorted on the outsides.

When the place is but small that a Map is to be made of, as if a county was to be exhibited; the meridians, as to sense, will be parallel to one another, and the whole will differ very little from a plane. Such a Map will be made more easily than by the preceding rules. It will here be sufficient to measure the distances of places in miles, and so lay them down in a plane rectangular map. But this belongs more properly to Surveying.

The Use of Maps is obvious from their construction. The degrees of the meridians and parallels shew the latitudes and longitudes of places, and the scale of miles annexed, their distances; the situation of places, with regard to each other, as well as to the cardinal points, appears by inspection; the top of the map being always the north, the bottom the south, the right hand the| east, and the left hand the west; unless the compass, usually annexed, shew the contrary.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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