Benbow, John (16531702)

Benbow, John, admiral, born at Shrewsbury; distinguished himself in an action with a Barbary pirate; rose rapidly to the highest post in the navy; distinguished himself well in an engagement with a French fleet in the W. Indies; he lost a leg, and at this crisis some of his captains proved refractory, so that the enemy escaped, were tried by court-martial, and two of them shot; the wound he received and his vexation caused his death. He was a British tar to the backbone, and of a class extinct now (16531702).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Benares * Bencoolen
[wait for the fun]
Belzo`ni, Giovanni Battista
Bem, Joseph
Bembo, Pietro
Ben Lawers
Ben Ledi
Ben Lomond
Ben Nevis
Ben Rhydding
Benbow, John
Benedek, Ludwig von
Benedetti, Count Vincent
Benedict XIV.
Benedict, Biscop
Benedict, St.
Benedict, Sir Julius