Gower, John (13251408)

Gower, John, an English poet, contemporary and friend of Chaucer, but of an older school; was the author of three works: “Speculum Meditantis,” the “Thinker's Mirror,” written in French, lost for long, but recovered lately; “Vox Clamantis,” the “Voice of One Crying,” written in Latin, an allegorising, moralising poem, “cataloguing the vice of the time,” and suggested by the Wat Tyler insurrection, 1381; and “Confessio Amantis,” “Confession of a Lover,” written in English, treating of the course of love, the morals and metaphysics of it, illustrated by a profusion of apposite tales; was appropriately called by Chaucer the “moral Grower”; his tomb is in St. Mary's, Southwark (13251408).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gow, Neil * Gowkthrapple
[wait for the fun]
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Gough, J. B.
Goujon, Jean
Gould, John
Gounod, Charles François
Gow, Nathaniel
Gow, Neil
Gower, John
Gowrie Conspiracy
Gozzi, Count Carlo
Gracchus, Caius Sempronius
Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius
Grace, Dr. W. G.
Grace Cup
Graces, The